Portal Profile

Guy Doumeingts

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Organisation: INTEROP-VLab
Contact: Contact this portal member
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Public Consultation - MiE 25-27 Priorities (input is publicly available)

Creating sustainable network that covers wide aspects of the value chain in different domains with the aim to build up R&I capacities:

  • Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area 
  • Reducing the Technological Gap between different European regions by sharing knowledge and resources

Developing solutions to support the design and implementation of sustainable practices in terms of creating climate neutral industrial scenarios:

  • solutions for energy and water efficiency, waste reuse and upcycling supply chain
  • tools and functionalities for conducting life cycle assessments

An interoperable and secure ecosystem of integrated tools that will support the creation of industry data space and links with other thematic EU data spaces:

  • Accelerating the pathway towards a common European Manufacturing/Industry Data Space
  • Industrial data spaces offer opportunities for companies to move to data-driven business model
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