

The ROSSINI project foresees 3 use-cases related to Domestic Appliances Assembly (WHIRLPOOL), Electronic Components Production (SCHINDLER) and Food Products Packaging (IMA). The 1st use case aims at implementing real and efficient HRC which will allow to enhance human health and satisfaction in workplaces combining automation and the lean manufacturing concept thus reducing costs and avoiding dangerous operations for workers (requirement: improving safety in HRC and maintain the efficiency of the production line). The 2nd use case wants to redesign the actual production line  where individually separate but related items are grouped (the kitting step), packaged (the assembly step) and supplied together as one unit (requirement: strict collaboration between human operators and robot). The 3rd use case will leverage on a mobile robotic solution and an advanced smart sensing system to improve its current robotic solution for assisting operator in machine monitoring and maintenance (requirement: improve system performance in terms of speeds, handled objects and capabilities, whilst maintain operator safety)