• Results
  • SatisFactory - Social experience and gamification

DELIVERABLE D2.3-Social Experience and Gamification techniques for increasing attractiveness

DELIVERABLE D2.3-Social Experience and Gamification techniques for increasing attractiveness

This deliverable explains in detail various iterations of the entire ideation process, starting from a set of semi-structured user interviews with the workers in the pilot factories and resulting in actual working prototypes. Furthermore, this deliverable discusses the iterative process of the concept development for Suggestions Platform (FIT), the Social Interaction Platform (CERTH), Product’s Future (FIT), Battery Assembly Practice Support (FIT), Protect Your Health (FIT), the Digital Andon System (ISMB) and last but not the least, the Gamification Framework (FIT). It documents the details of each use case and how these use cases are mapped to various business scenarios. In addition to that, it also explains how these use cases were designed and how this design evolved to fulfil the requirements gathered.

Structured mapping