• Results
  • SatisFactory - Users requirements

DELIVERABLE D1.1 - User group definitions, end-user needs, requirement analysis and development guidelines

DELIVERABLE D1.1 - User group definitions, end-user needs, requirement analysis and development guidelines

This deliverable describes the requirements of the prototype applications for the three end-users test-beds: discrete manufacturing in automotive, discrete manufacturing for batteries and continuous process in chemical applications. Specifically, the goal of this document is to define a list of initial requirements exploiting the “Volere” approach, that will be continuously updated and refined through an iterative process that will lead to the production of a total of three releases of this document, respectively in Project Months M4, M14 and M26. In particular, it is worth to highlight that the collection of requirements, performed through more than forty (40) face-to-face interviews of end-user employees, followed by brainstorming sessions among technology partners, provided more than eighty-three (83) initial requirements. Following key requirement areas are provided: - Manufacturing process monitoring & verification - Production & maintenance documents access and guidelines - Workload planning - Training procedures - Safety, ergonomy & privacy - Communication, IoT and smart sensing - Gestures recognition and vocal interaction - Middleware & platform