(UNPUBLISHED) ISEE | Robotic hazard assement and risk management for safe human robot collaboration


This proposal is presented by Systems and Electrical Equipment Team with the Energetic Engineering Institute from the Universitat Politècnica de València. It is focused on the topic “Effective Industrial Human Robot Collaboration”. More specifically in the area of development methods for robotic hazard assessment and risk management. 

A malfunction of the electrical drives of the robots can suppose a risk for the human workers developing the collaborative tasks. Therefore, we propose to develop a monitoring system of the electrical drives of the robots with the aim of early detection of any kind of abnormal operation before that could be a risk for the human workers. This monitoring system will be based on advanced signal analysis techniques, in order to set a safety level, which assures that the robot can operate safely under incipient faults; and at the same time, it recognises a hazardous faulty condition, which performs a safe shutdown, minimising the risks for the human team workers.

The group has large experience in the field of Diagnosis Electrical Machines and Drives. The group participated in an EU-7TH Framework Project developing online diagnostics systems for electrical motors under industrial environment. Also, the group carried out a National Research Project developing diagnostics techniques for Wind Generators based on low cost embedded devices and smart sensors.