Projects overview

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Description design-production, product-service, knowledge-sentiment, EDA-SOA, business-innovation and able to dramatically reduce the time-to-market of more attractive and sustainable product-service solutions.
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Customised products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Products are customized based on information
 SSME in product-oriented value chains Final Result title SSME in product-oriented value chains Final
 Product-Service Engineering Conceptual Framework Final Result description Product-oriented industrial models for product-service design
 Product-Service Engineering Conceptual Framework First Result description Product-oriented industrial models for product-service design
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description till the de-production and end-of-life
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Description , over-the-web configurable products.
Comments Customised products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future IoT - Internet of Things Technologies and enablers Information and communication technologies Digital manufacturing
 Collaborative LAB for META-Product Development Result title Collaborative LAB for META-Product Development Result description The private area is intended for meta-product developer which can collaboratively design, develop and maintain meta-products during their whole live cycle.
 Interactive Entertainment Games for Children using Motion Tracking Devices Result acronym Meta-Product Games Pilot
 Customised products Taxon title Customised products
 Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises Taxon description • Encompassing new product take back laws and asymmetric information distribution for closed-loop lifecycle management and especially for End-of-Life (EoL) services for products.
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Description In the past, customers invested in high cost, long service-life products. Today, they demand complex product-services capable of adapting to new customer goals and rapidly changing markets.
Comments Customised products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Resource efficient, sustainable products Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future
 Efficient production line upgrades Result title Efficient production line upgrades Result description ​Adapting truck manufacturing systems to serve new products and production volume changes Results demonstrated Tools and processes for production site modelling and design optimisation based on laser Result acronym Production line upgrade
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description till the de-production and end-of-life
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Description PRODUCTIVE4.0 - AMBITIOUS PROJECT WITH A UNIQUE MAIN OBJECTIVE The main objective of Productive4.0 is to achieve improvement of digitising the European industry by electronics and ICT.
Comments Hyperconnected Factories Pathway Pathways Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway Pathways Collaborative Product-Service Factories Pathway Pathways Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Addressed processes
 From products to services Result title From products to services Result comments Productive4.0
 Evolving, extending, changing – Arrowhead Framework unlimited? Result description new products and services? Result comments Productive4.0
 List of Demonstrators Result comments Productive4.0
 Flying robot on a mission Result comments Productive4.0
 Standards Guide, version 1 Result comments Productive4.0 Result acronym Productive4.0-266163
 Document server available, dissemination material available and public website online Result comments Productive4.0
 State of the art for complex workflow generation Result comments Productive4.0
 Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Productive4.0 (Electronics and ICT as enabler for digital industry and optimized supply chain management covering the entire product lifecycle) Result comments Productive4.0
 Productive4.0 Project Results - Overview (Video) Result comments Productive4.0
 Productive 4.0: Mondragon Collaboration Use Case (video) Result comments Productive4.0
 Video - Arrowhead Management Tool Overview Result comments Productive4.0
 Video - Digital Supply Chain Twin from Bosch Result comments Productive4.0
 Launching the Machine Tool: integration of third parties services using the Arrowhead Framework Result comments Productive4.0
 Eclipse Arrowhead Basic Principles Result comments Productive4.0
 Video - Operational technology and Information technology integration in production automation Result comments Productive4.0
 Final report Result comments Productive4.0
 Summary report on the achievements and solutions created in WP2 Result comments Productive4.0
 A neatly gathered listing of identified gaps within the systems accom¬panied by initial ideas for a new ERP& APS system using semantic web ideas Result comments Productive4.0
 Document results of three real world use-cases measured on the platform Result comments Productive4.0
 Architectural specification and how-to-guide Result comments Productive4.0
 Tier2 use cases: Final report on the uses cases Result comments Productive4.0
 Summary report on the findings in T3.1-T3.4 Result comments Productive4.0
 Final report on certification strategies Result comments Productive4.0
 Standards Guide, version 3 Result comments Productive4.0
 Project exhibition Result comments Productive4.0
 Benefits evaluation of an automated and distributed workflow approach Result comments Productive4.0
 Report on certification strategies, version 1 Result comments Productive4.0
 Final report on influences on standards Result comments Productive4.0
 Final report on interaction with other WPs Result comments Productive4.0
 Standards Guide, version 2 Result comments Productive4.0
 Report on influences on standards, version 1 Result comments Productive4.0
 Machine Ethics Result comments Productive4.0
 Smart Systems Everywhere – Intelligence, Autonomy, Technology and Society Result comments Productive4.0
 Towards Time-Sensitive Behavioral Contract Monitors for IEC 61499 Function Blocks Result comments Productive4.0
 A Survey of Secure Internet of Things in Relation to Blockchain Result comments Productive4.0
 An Engineering Process model for managing a digitalised life-cycle of products in the Industry 4.0 Result comments Productive4.0
 Embedding optimization with deterministic discrete event simulation for assignment of cross-trained operators: An assembly line case study Result comments Productive4.0
 DOCMA: A Decentralized Orchestrator for Containerized Microservice Applications Result comments Productive4.0
 Advancing Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving Techniques – Restarts, Phase Saving, Heuristics, and More Result comments Productive4.0
 Proposal for requirements on industrial AI solutions Result comments Productive4.0
 Electronically REconfigurable Superstrate (ERES) Antenna Result comments Productive4.0
 Supporting robot application development using a distributed learning approach Result comments Productive4.0
 SDR-Based DoA Estimation Using ESPAR Antennas with Simplified Beam Steering Result comments Productive4.0
 Simulation-Based Analysis of the Nervousness within Semiconductors Supply Chain Planning: Insight from a Case Study Result comments Productive4.0
 Use CAD Data for Intuitive Definition of Robot Actions in a Skill-based Robot Application Development Environment Result comments Productive4.0
 Advanced sensor-based maintenance in real-world exemplary cases Result comments Productive4.0
 Data-driven control of a production system by using marking-dependent threshold policy Result comments Productive4.0
 Towards the Automation of a Chemical Sulphonation Process with Machine Learning Result comments Productive4.0
 Quality Prediction in Semiconductor Manufacturing processes Using Multilayer Perceptron Feedforward Articial Neural Network Result comments Productive4.0
 Advantages of Arrowhead Framework for the Machine Tooling Industry Result comments Productive4.0
 Towards Contract Based Assertions in IEC 61499 Applications Result comments Productive4.0
 Conflict Generalisation in ASP: Learning Correct and Effective Non-Ground Constraints Result comments Productive4.0
 Intelligent sustainable supplier selection using multi-agent technology: Theory and application for Industry 4.0 supply chains Result comments Productive4.0
 A Survey of Model-Based System Engineering Methods to Analyse Complex Supply Chains: A Case Study in Semiconductor Supply Chain Result comments Productive4.0
 Complex Vehicle Routing with Memory Augmented Neural Networks Result comments Productive4.0
 Self-Adaptation Applied to MQTT via a Generic Autonomic Management Framework Result comments Productive4.0
 A Survey of Blockchain From the Perspectives of Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities Result comments Productive4.0
 A Feature Importance Analysis for Soft-Sensing-Based Predictions in a Chemical Sulphonation Process Result comments Productive4.0
 UHF ERES Antenna for UHF RFID Applications Result comments Productive4.0
 Advanced Wafer Container Contamination Control Methods and Strategies in Power Device Manufacturing Result comments Productive4.0
 Service Contract Definition Analysis Result comments Productive4.0
 AoI-based Multicast Routing over Voronoi Overlays with Minimal Overhead Result comments Productive4.0
 Industrial Frameworks for Internet of Things: A Survey Result comments Productive4.0
 Generic Autonomic Management as a Service in a SOA-based Framework for Industry 4.0 Result comments Productive4.0
 Implementing OPC-UA services for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems in Service-Oriented Architecture Result comments Productive4.0
 Degrees of Laziness in Grounding - Effects of Lazy-Grounding Strategies on ASP Solving Result comments Productive4.0
 Approaching Non-Disruptive Distributed Ledger Technologies via the Exchange Network Architecture Result comments Productive4.0
 Applying semantics into Service-oriented IoT Framework Result comments Productive4.0
 The way from a highly automated fab to a smart fab Result comments Productive4.0
 Optimizing capacity allocation in semiconductor manufacturing photolithography area – Case study: Robert Bosch Result comments Productive4.0
 Autoencoder Alignment Approach to Run-Time Interoperability for System of Systems Engineering Result comments Productive4.0
 Towards building OPC-UA companions for semi-conductor domain Result comments Productive4.0
 Extended Semantic Annotations for Generating Translators in the Arrowhead Framework Result comments Productive4.0
 Increasing dependability in Safety Critical CPSs Using Reflective Statecharts Result comments Productive4.0
 Quality of service on the arrowhead framework Result comments Productive4.0
 Accurate PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Using Multiple Calibration Planes for WSN Nodes Equipped with ESPAR Antennas Result comments Productive4.0
 Efficient RSS-Based DoA Estimation for ESPAR Antennas Using Multiplane SDR Calibration Approach Result comments Productive4.0
 RSS-Based Direction-of-Arrival Estimation with Increased Accuracy for Arbitrary Elevation Angles Using ESPAR Antennas Result comments Productive4.0
 Enhancing Flexibility and Robustness of Semiconductor Production by Using Autonomous Modular Services Result comments Productive4.0
 Connected Cars – Threats, Vulnerabilities and their Impact Result comments Productive4.0
 Interacting with the Arrowhead Local Cloud: On-boarding Procedure Result comments Productive4.0
 On the Cost of Cyber Security in Smart Business Result comments Productive4.0
 Applying industrial data analytics in automotive test bed environments Result comments Productive4.0
 AMT 2.0: Qualitative and Quantitative Trace Analysis with Extended Signal Temporal Logic Result comments Productive4.0
 A Convolutional Autoencoder Approach for Feature Extraction in Virtual Metrology Result comments Productive4.0
 Anomaly Detection Approaches for Semiconductor Manufacturing Result comments Productive4.0
 Deep learning for virtual metrology: Modeling with optical emission spectroscopy data Result comments Productive4.0
 Anomaly detection through on-line isolation Forest: An application to plasma etching Result comments Productive4.0
 A Dynamic Sampling Approach for Cost Reduction in Semiconductor Manufacturing Result comments Productive4.0
 A hidden-Gamma model-based filtering and prediction approach for monotonic health factors in manufacturing Result comments Productive4.0
 On Optimising Spatial Sampling Plans for Wafer Profile Reconstruction Result comments Productive4.0
 A Methodology for Efficient Dynamic Spatial Sampling and Reconstruction of Wafer Profiles Result comments Productive4.0
 A dynamic sampling strategy based on confidence level of virtual metrology predictions Result comments Productive4.0
 Supporting IoT semantic interoperability with autonomic computing Result comments Productive4.0
 Aggregated Hierarchical Modeling and Simulation in Semiconductor Supply Chains Result comments Productive4.0
 A Review of Simulation-Optimization Methods with Applications to Semiconductor Operational Problems Result comments Productive4.0
 Runtime Contracts Checker: Increasing Robustness of Component-Based Software Systems Result comments Productive4.0
 Enabling Security and Safety Evaluation in Industry 4.0 Use cases with Digital Twins Result comments Productive4.0
 Towards a Security Cost Model for Cyber-Physical Systems Result comments Productive4.0
 Accurate PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Using Multiple Calibration Planes for WSN Nodes Equipped with ESPAR Antennas Result comments Productive4.0
 RSS-Based DoA Estimation Using ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns Spline Interpolation Result comments Productive4.0
 Efficient RSS-Based DoA Estimation for ESPAR Antennas Using Multiplane SDR Calibration Approach Result comments Productive4.0
 Quality based scheduling for an example of semiconductor manufactory Result comments Productive4.0
 Modelling and analysis of a cooperative production network Result comments Productive4.0
 Modelling and analysis of the impact of correlated inter-event data on production control using Markovian arrival processes Result comments Productive4.0
 Comparison of optimal buffer allocation in flow lines under installation buffer, echelon buffer, and CONWIP policies Result comments Productive4.0
 Optimal Dynamic Allocation of Collaborative Servers in Two Station Tandem Systems Result comments Productive4.0
 Enable Co-Simulation for Industrial Automation by an FMU Exporter for IEC 61499 Models Result comments Productive4.0
 Monitoring of Production Processes and the Condition of the Production Equipment through the Internet Result comments Productive4.0
 Blockchain in Transport, Shipping and Logistics Result comments Productive4.0
 Detailed production planning models for semiconductor manufacturing with profit Result comments Productive4.0
 Detailed production planning models with flexible lead time constraints Result comments Productive4.0
 A multi-bias recurrent neural network for modeling milling sensory data Result comments Productive4.0
 An Automated Auto-encoder Correlation-based Health-Monitoring and Prognostic Method for Machine Bearings Result comments Productive4.0
 Evolutionary Construction of Convolutional Neural Networks Result comments Productive4.0
 Arrowhead Compatible Zynq Ultrascale+ Systems with Xilinx SDSoC 2018.2 Support Result comments Productive4.0
 Arrowhead client on Zynq 7000 device with support for the Xilinx SDSoC 2018.2 HW accelerators Result comments Productive4.0
 Arrowhead Compatible Zynq with SDSoC 2017.4 and Floating-Point 8xSIMD EdkDSP Accelerators Result comments Productive4.0
 On the Cost of Security Compliance in Information Systems Result comments Productive4.0
 Topic Modelling for Summarizing Industrial Log Data Result comments Productive4.0
 Thoughts on Robot Assembly Skills and Machine Learning Result comments Productive4.0
 Load Classification and Forecasting for Temporary Power Installations Result comments Productive4.0
 Towards Skills-Based Easy Programming of Dual-Arm Robot Applications Result comments Productive4.0
 Dynamic and Flexible Data Acquisition and Data Analytics System Software Architecture Result comments Productive4.0
 A Framework for Measuring the Costs of Security at Runtime Result comments Productive4.0
 Generic Autonomic Management as a Service in a SOA-based Framework for Industry 4.0 Result comments Productive4.0
 Data-driven Workflow Management by utilising BPMN and CPN in IIoT Systems with the Arrowhead Framework Result comments Productive4.0
 MDE based IoT Service to enhance the safety of controllers at runtime Result comments Productive4.0
 Reengineering the lifecycle of Arrowhead applications: from skeletons to the client library Result comments Productive4.0
 User Recognition Based on Daily Actigraphy Patterns Result comments Productive4.0
 Light Weight Generation of Dispatching Rules for Large-scale Job Shop Scheduling Result comments Productive4.0
 Exploiting Partial Knowledge in Declarative Domain-Specific Heuristics for ASP Result comments Productive4.0
 Interoperability and machine-to-machine translation model with mappings to machine learning tasks Result comments Productive4.0
 System of Systems integration via a structured naming convention Result comments Productive4.0
 Scalability of Copper-Interconnects down to 3μm on Printed Boards by Laser-assisted-subtractive process Result comments Productive4.0
 Autonomous production workstation operation, reconfiguration and synchronisation Result comments Productive4.0
 Syntactic Translation of Message Payloads Between At Least Partially Equivalent Encodings Result comments Productive4.0
 Towards Autoencoder Based Adapters for Run-Time Interoperability in Systems of Systems Engineering Result comments Productive4.0
 Digitizing Contractual Cooperation via Signature Chain Exchange Networks Result comments Productive4.0
 The Exchange Network: An Architecture for the Negotiation of Non-Repudiable Token Exchanges Result comments Productive4.0
 A Methodology for the Design of Safety-Compliant and Secure Communication of Autonomous Vehicles Result comments Productive4.0
 The Arrowhead Framework applied to energy management Result comments Productive4.0
 Arrowhead Framework services for condition monitoring and maintenance based on the open source approach Result comments Productive4.0
 Performance evaluation of a production line operated under an echelon buffer policy Result comments Productive4.0
 Optimal buffer allocation in a production line operating under IB, EB, and CONWIP policies Result comments Productive4.0
 Review of models for large-scale manufacturing networks Result comments Productive4.0
 Optimal control of production-inventory systems with correlated demand inter-arrival and processing times Result comments Productive4.0
 Robot Skills and Machine Learning - Simplyfing Robot Programming and Self-Optimization Result comments Productive4.0
 An Open Source Framework Approach to Support Condition Monitoring and Maintenance Result comments Productive4.0
 Annotation Rules for XML Schemas with Grouped Semantic Annotations Result comments Productive4.0
 Heuristic Search for Tetris: A Case Study Result comments Productive4.0
 A platform application for exploiting the Digital Reference Ontology Result comments Productive4.0
 RSS-Based DoA Estimation with ESPAR Antennas Using Reduced Number of Radiation Patterns Result comments Productive4.0
 Native OPC UA Handling and IEC 61499 PLC Integration within the Arrowhead Framework Result comments Productive4.0
 Timing Contracts and Monitors for Safety Relevant Controller Design in IEC 61499 Result comments Productive4.0
 Smart Systems Everywhere – How Much Smartness Is Tolerable? Result comments Productive4.0
 CRESCO Framework and Checker: Automatic generation of Reflective UML State Machine’s C++ Code and Checker Result comments Productive4.0
 Evaluation of Alarm System Performance and Management in Semiconductor Manufacturing Result comments Productive4.0
 Evaluating the Impact of Dynamic Qualification Management in Semiconductor Manufacturing Result comments Productive4.0
 Improving Accuracy of the Shewhart-based Data-Reduction in IoT Nodes using Piggybacking Result comments Productive4.0
 Evolutionary Architecture and Engineering Concepts for Very Large-scale Sensor-based Solutions : (Invited Paper) Result comments Productive4.0
 Towards a Resilient Society – Technology 5.0, Risks and Ethics Result comments Productive4.0
 Artificial intelligence methods for prescriptive analytics Result comments Productive4.0
 From Constraints to Tape-Out: Towards a Continuous AMS Design Flow Result comments Productive4.0
 Work-in-Process Balancing Control in Global Fab Scheduling for Semiconductor Manufacturing Result comments Productive4.0
 Security standard compliance and continuous verification for Industrial Internet of Things Result comments Productive4.0
 Maintenance 4.0 World of Integrated Information Result comments Productive4.0
 System of System Composition Based on Decentralized Service-Oriented Architecture Result comments Productive4.0
 Indicator of Alarm Risk on Product Degradation, Prediction for Alarms Grouping, Using Alarms Data in Semiconductor Manufacturing Result comments Productive4.0
 Contract aware production management Result comments Productive4.0
 Operational technology and Information technology integration in production automation Result comments Productive4.0
 Plant Description Engine an Eclipse Arrowhead system Result comments Productive4.0
 Contract aware automation and the AH ContractProxy Result comments Productive4.0
 Secure on-boarding into a protected Arrowhead local cloud Result comments Productive4.0
 Eclipse Arrowhead SafetyManager Result comments Productive4.0
 European Digital Manufacturing demo powered by Eclipse Arrowhead Result comments Productive4.0
 Real time ball tracking realised on Zynq embedded hardware Result comments Productive4.0
 Applying Eclipse Arrowhead in CNC production Result comments Productive4.0
 Interoperability by construction: code generation for Arrowhead Clients Result comments Productive4.0
 Interoperability automation considered as machine learning tasks Result comments Productive4.0
 Kalix: A Java 11 Library for Developing Eclipse Arrowhead System-of-Systems Result comments Productive4.0
 Access Control Model for Time Series Databases using NGAC Result comments Productive4.0
 A Model for Signatories in Cyber-Physical Systems Result comments Productive4.0
 Collaborative Product-Service Factories Pathway Taxon title Collaborative Product-Service Factories Pathway