Projects overview

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Description Smart factories are characterized by increasing automation and increasing customization.
Comments Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems RP 2.13 M2M cloud connectivity for future manufacturing enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems
 Online task distribution simulation in smart factories Result title Online task distribution simulation in smart factories
 White paper - Human-centred factories from theory to industrial practice. Lessons learned and recommendations Result description (ACE Factories) cluster.
 RP 2.13 M2M cloud connectivity for future manufacturing enterprises Taxon title RP 2.13 M2M cloud connectivity for future manufacturing enterprises
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description Commonly used IT backend systems are neither widely interconnected nor interoperable which makes holistic representation, monitoring and management the factories difficult.
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Description Moreover MAN-MADE promotes the vision of an effective integration of this anthropocentric factory within the social environment toward the implementation of context-aware factories that promotes and take
Comments Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories MAN-MADE develops tools for the design of management of production systems that take into account, as a primary focus, the human dimension.
 Final Report Summary - MAN-MADE (MANufacturing through ergonoMic and safe Anthropocentric aDaptive workplacEs for context aware factories in EUROPE) Result title Final Report Summary - MAN-MADE (MANufacturing through ergonoMic and safe Anthropocentric aDaptive workplacEs for context aware factories in EUROPE)
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon title Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories
 RP 5.10 New ICT-facilitated initiatives to make manufacturing more attractive for younger and older generations Taxon description This is posing a serious threat to the competitiveness of European enterprises of the future.
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Comments manufacturing processes FASHION-ABLE has developed LCA tools Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems and Factories
 Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems and Factories Taxon title Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems and Factories
 Advanced materials in manufacturing systems Taxon description efficiency and environmental targets and to meet new demands for a connected world.
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Comments SRIA Research priorities Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 6: Customer-focused
 Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises Taxon title Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description Commonly used IT backend systems are neither widely interconnected nor interoperable which makes holistic representation, monitoring and management the factories difficult.
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Description SO SMART will create support actions aiming to ensure social well-being of the employees in the Factories of the Future.
 Final Report Summary - SO SMART (Socially sustainable manufacturing for the Factories of the Future – SO SMART) Result title Final Report Summary - SO SMART (Socially sustainable manufacturing for the Factories of the Future – SO SMART)
 Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing Taxon description ‘Human-centricity’ will be needed in factories of the future in order to increase flexibility, agility, and competitiveness.
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Comments Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Autonomous /online/realtime Manufacturing Process Optimisation on machine level Pathways Realtime optimisation Autonomous
 Predictive Maintenance Platform Based on Integrated Strategies for Increased Operating Life of Factories Result title Predictive Maintenance Platform Based on Integrated Strategies for Increased Operating Life of Factories
 Foresee Cluster - Predictive maintenance technologies for production systems. A roadmap to development and implementation. Result description together with industrial end-users worked collaboratively to develop and deploy solutions that advance maintenance practice in industry towards more efficient, sustainable, human-centric and resilient factories
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description Factories designed in such holistic and structured way will be more efficient in energy consumption and will provide a safer workplace.
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Comments Domain 4 - Collaborative and Mobile Enterprises Impact Workshop D4-Area 1: Networked Factories Impact Workshop Domain 4 - Collaborative and Mobile Enterprises Specific Clusters Impact Workshop Specific
 Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems and Factories Taxon title Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems and Factories
 Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on networked factories and dynamic supply chains.
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Description The MUSIC project is strongly aimed at leading EU-HPDC/PIM factories to cost-based competitive advantage through the necessary transition to a demand-driven industry with lower waste generation, efficiency
Comments from different enterprises Manufacturing system levels Connected Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels web-based platform and the access management is assential to collaborative platform
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description Factories designed in such holistic and structured way will be more efficient in energy consumption and will provide a safer workplace.
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Comments Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels IoT enabled SCADA, MOM-MES, ERP (…) connectivity Pathways Connected IT and OT Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway Increasing
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
 RP 3.13 Integration of design methods and tools Taxon description An effective design and management of the factories asks for the integration of methods and tools with contributions from the electrical, electronic, mechanical, physical and software domains.
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Description dramatically improve the adoption of CPPSs all over Europe by means of the creation, nurturing and flourishing of CPS-driven regional innovation ecosystems, made of competence centers, manufacturing enterprises
Comments Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Reducing the consumption of energy Manufacturing performance characteristics Environmental sustainability C22 Manufacture
 Lombardy Champion - Zero-Hours Quality Result description Currently, ZHQ is implemented as a CPS where products under test are connected to a number of fixed workstations.
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description Factories designed in such holistic and structured way will be more efficient in energy consumption and will provide a safer workplace.
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Comments Connected Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels FIWARE Technologies and enablers Programming Frameworks – Software Development Kits (SDKs) Information and communication
 Enabling reliable visual quality control in smart factories through TSN Result title Enabling reliable visual quality control in smart factories through TSN
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AUTOWARE (Wireless Autonomous, Reliable and Resilient ProductIon Operation ARchitecture for Cognitive Manufacturing) Result description Markets, business models, manufacturing processes and other challenges along the value chain are all changing at an increasing speed in an increasingly interconnected world where new opportunities and
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
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Description planning time Real-time reconfiguration decisions for optimisation of performance and real-time production and product functions The SAFIRE project targets two related technology challenges for smart factories
Comments Work station Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Interconnected Systems of Production Systems (SoPS) Connected Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system
 Scheduling of Smart Factories using Edge Computing and Clouds Result title Scheduling of Smart Factories using Edge Computing and Clouds
 SAFIRE Electrolux pilot: Cloud-driven product optimization Result description Within the SAFIRE Project Electrolux seeks to address the use-case where products connected to a cloud-based system can be optimized through a reconfiguration process (Cloud-driven product optimization
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
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Comments Sub-Domain 2.2 Dynamic Production systems and Factories Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems RP 2.13 M2M cloud connectivity for future manufacturing enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research
 Prioritizing wireless communication for robust industrial process control Result description The trend towards smart factories necessitates protocols for wireless transmission of production process information.
 RP 2.13 M2M cloud connectivity for future manufacturing enterprises Taxon title RP 2.13 M2M cloud connectivity for future manufacturing enterprises Taxon description It is currently estimated that we will have in the order of 50 billion connected devices by the year 2020.
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Comments system levels Field Device Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Enterprise - Factory Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Connected Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
 Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises Taxon description The set of research priorities under this domain focuses on networked factories and dynamic supply chains.
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Comments ERP-MOM systems connected Pathways Connected IT and OT Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway The Automation domain of the FAR-EDGE Platform introduced the concept of a Distibuted Ledger as an decentralized
 A migration methodology for factories digital transformation Result title A migration methodology for factories digital transformation
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FAR-EDGE (Factory Automation Edge Computing Operating System Reference Implementation) Result description "Industry 4.0 is the integration of Information Technology and Operational Technology into what is sometimes called the “smart and connected factory”.
 ERP-MOM systems connected Taxon title ERP-MOM systems connected
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description Commonly used IT backend systems are neither widely interconnected nor interoperable which makes holistic representation, monitoring and management the factories difficult.
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Description Virtual factories are a well-established concept although existing solutions have limitations: • Scoped at the business level • Provide an isolated view on certain virtual factory aspects • Restricted
Comments priorities Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 4.1 Cloud-based Manufacturing Business
 The Plug and Play Virtual Factory Result description ADVENTURE is aiming to provide such tools and processes that will help to facilitate information exchange between factories and move beyond the boundaries of the individual enterprises involved.
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description Commonly used IT backend systems are neither widely interconnected nor interoperable which makes holistic representation, monitoring and management the factories difficult.
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Description The consortium includes 3 end-user factories, 3 machine-tool suppliers, 1 leading component supplier, 4 innovative SMEs, 3 research organizations and 3 academic institutions.
Comments Pathway Connected IT and OT Pathways Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway Off-line optimisation Pathways Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway Realtime optimisation Pathways Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway
 On the development of a new digitalised maintenance approach for factories of the future Result title On the development of a new digitalised maintenance approach for factories of the future
 Foresee Cluster - Predictive maintenance technologies for production systems. A roadmap to development and implementation. Result description together with industrial end-users worked collaboratively to develop and deploy solutions that advance maintenance practice in industry towards more efficient, sustainable, human-centric and resilient factories
 Hyperconnected Factories Pathway Taxon title Hyperconnected Factories Pathway
 Target clients Taxon description Which new markets and users will be connected?
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Comments RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing A4BLUE enables the transference of knowledge among
 White paper - Human-centred factories from theory to industrial practice. Lessons learned and recommendations Result title White paper - Human-centred factories from theory to industrial practice. Lessons learned and recommendations Result description (ACE Factories) cluster.
 RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises Taxon title RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises Taxon description Extended enterprises a reality and the notion is a strongly encouraged vision of “virtual factories”.
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Description The objective is to increase the flexibility, productivity and innovation potential of modern factories, while enhancing the skills and commitment of the workforce.
Comments   MOM-SCADA systems connected Pathways Connected IT and OT Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway Implemented at both central pilots.
 Human-Resources Optimization & Re-Adaptation Modelling in Enterprises Result title Human-Resources Optimization & Re-Adaptation Modelling in Enterprises
 Article on the AR for Enterprise Alliance (AREA) blog, introducing the SatisFactory project- "FACTORIES OF THE FUTURE". Result description Considering the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the growing trend of connected devices in factories, it is obvious that smart devices and sensors could bring down production and maintenance costs
 Hyperconnected Factories Pathway Taxon title Hyperconnected Factories Pathway
 Target clients Taxon description Which new markets and users will be connected?
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Comments Standards Standards and standardisation Domain 4 - Collaborative and Mobile Enterprises Impact Workshop D4-Area 1: Networked Factories Impact Workshop Domain 4 - Collaborative and Mobile
 RP 4.5 Complex Event Processing (CEP) for state detection and analytics in supply networks Taxon description Connected objects representing “Internet of Things” in supply networks will give rise to copious amount of data generated in the form of events.
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Comments enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing RP 5.10 New ICT-facilitated initiatives to make manufacturing more attractive for younger and older generations
 RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises Taxon title RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises Taxon description Extended enterprises a reality and the notion is a strongly encouraged vision of “virtual factories”.
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Comments enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing R HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES Applications areas and sectors K TELECOMMUNICATION, COMPUTER PROGRAMMING
 RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises Taxon title RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises Taxon description Extended enterprises a reality and the notion is a strongly encouraged vision of “virtual factories”.
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Description The new era of manufacturing asks for flexible factories that can be quickly reprogrammed to provide faster time-to-market responding to global consumer demand, address mass-customisation needs and bring
Comments Pathway Connected IT and OT Pathways Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway MOM-SCADA systems connected Pathways Connected IT and OT Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway Platform enabled optimisation Pathways
 A Rule-Based Approach Founded on Description Logics for Industry 4.0 Smart Factories. Result title A Rule-Based Approach Founded on Description Logics for Industry 4.0 Smart Factories.
 Connected IT and OT Taxon title Connected IT and OT
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description Commonly used IT backend systems are neither widely interconnected nor interoperable which makes holistic representation, monitoring and management the factories difficult.
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Comments Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Connecting factories from different enterprises Manufacturing system levels Connected Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing
 5G Security Architecture Result description These domains are strongly connected to the 5G trust model as many of the domains will typically be coupled to administration/ownership.
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
 RP 2.13 M2M cloud connectivity for future manufacturing enterprises Taxon description It is currently estimated that we will have in the order of 50 billion connected devices by the year 2020.
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Comments Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Connecting factories from different enterprises Manufacturing system levels Connected Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing
 Automotive Use Case Result description The CREMA platform objectives align closely with those that Tenneco are seeking to acquire by allowing assets on the shop floor to be connected to and be virtualized exposing shop-floor data to be analysed
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description Commonly used IT backend systems are neither widely interconnected nor interoperable which makes holistic representation, monitoring and management the factories difficult.
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Description The primary outcomes of vf-OS are an: Open Operating System (vf-OS) and Software Development Kit (OAK) for Factories of the Future that aims to be the reference system software for collaborative
Comments Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Connecting factories from different enterprises Manufacturing system levels Connected Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing
 Data Management Component for Virtual Factories Systems Result title Data Management Component for Virtual Factories Systems
 vfOS - ID2.1 - Global Architecture Definition(M7) Result description As well as the internal architecture connected with the project it will cover the architecture of applications to be developed by third party software developers who will eventually use easy integration
 Connected Enterprises - Factories Taxon title Connected Enterprises - Factories
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description Commonly used IT backend systems are neither widely interconnected nor interoperable which makes holistic representation, monitoring and management the factories difficult.
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Description This technology acts as the technical operating system for business connections between factories and their suppliers.
Comments Connecting factories from different enterprises Manufacturing system levels Connected Enterprises - Factories Manufacturing system levels The COMPOSITION ecosystem consists of connected IIMSs and it will
 Agent Marketplaces and Deep Learning in Enterprises: The COMPOSITION Project Result title Agent Marketplaces and Deep Learning in Enterprises: The COMPOSITION Project
 D7.3 Survey of successful elements with recommendations for COMPOSITION use cases III Result description Therefore, the different cooperation workshops held to date, and information regarding the delivered reports and documents by the FoF-11 CSA Connected Factories are presented.
 Hyperconnected Factories Pathway Taxon title Hyperconnected Factories Pathway
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description Commonly used IT backend systems are neither widely interconnected nor interoperable which makes holistic representation, monitoring and management the factories difficult.
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Comments Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing Domain 6: Customer-focused
 RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises Taxon title RP 5.9 Linking organisational knowledge in connected enterprises
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description Commonly used IT backend systems are neither widely interconnected nor interoperable which makes holistic representation, monitoring and management the factories difficult.