Projects overview

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Comments Moreover, the deployment of artificial intelligence techniques for data processing will not be just aimed to enable robot perception, but will also make robot cognition possible.
 Data Management Plan Result title Data Management Plan Result description Data Management Plan (DMP): The plan will describe ways to manage all research data, and metadata, during and after the project duration; open data sets, means to access, updating, etc
 Autonomous Smart Factories Pathway Comments Moreover, the deployment of artificial intelligence techniques for data processing will not be just aimed to enable robot perception, but will also make robot cognition possible.
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Description Moving towards a data-driven approach, embedded software into hardware, new questions arise concerning data sharing, data driven innovations, legal digital IP protection and data ownership.
 Software IP and Data Agreements - Workshop Result title Software IP and Data Agreements - Workshop
 Design Option Paper Result description Actually, it is crucial for the companies to ensure themselves the ownership of such intellectual property rights or, at least, the authorisation to access the intangible asset and exploit them without
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Comments model Business model aspects Target clients Business model aspects Business ecosystems Data ownership - data governance Business model aspects Data Liability Business model aspects Data acquisition
 Cost-Efficient Data Redundancy in the Cloud Result title Cost-Efficient Data Redundancy in the Cloud
 Automotive Use Case Result description Valuable efficiency and machine status data from the production processes coupled with data from legacy systems and positional data from key production assets will provide greater insight into the plant
 Data ownership - data governance Taxon title Data ownership - data governance Taxon description When shaping this model, the following questions must be answered: What is the legal arrangement for dataownership”?
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Description The advanced analytics and reconfiguration capabilities to be developed in SAFIRE will be based on mastering the big data challenges associated with manufacturing (sensor and process data), enterprise
Comments analytics Addressed processes Predictive Big Data Analytics Data ownership - data governance Business model aspects Emphasizing security, privacy & trust based on situational awareness.
 Open Data Use Plan Result title Open Data Use Plan Result description Development of a Data Management Plan (DMP) that details what types of data generated by the project will be open, according to “Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020”.
 Data ownership - data governance Taxon title Data ownership - data governance Taxon description When shaping this model, the following questions must be answered: What is the legal arrangement for dataownership”?
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Description The platform will provide seamless connectivity to the automation solutions, smart objects, and real-time data sources across the network.
Comments ownership - data governance Business model aspects Data ownership - data governance Business model aspects Dynamic IT connections to new supply chain partners Pathways Hyperconnected Factories Pathway
 A Governance Metamodel for Industry 4.0 Service Collaborations Result title A Governance Metamodel for Industry 4.0 Service Collaborations
 Data access API & Reference data store (final release) Result description Final software release of the Data access API and data store. API will be published to external developers community.
 Data ownership - data governance Taxon title Data ownership - data governance Taxon description When shaping this model, the following questions must be answered: What is the legal arrangement for dataownership”?
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Comments ownership - data governance Business model aspects Supply chain management Addressed processes Supply chain management accross plants within the same enterprise Addressed processes Supply chain management
 Key enablers and cross-cutting factors Result description data storage, simulation tools, high performance computing, big data technologies, artificial intelligence, etc… Cross-cutting aspects are described through a comprehensive set of structured
 Data ownership - data governance Taxon title Data ownership - data governance Taxon description When shaping this model, the following questions must be answered: What is the legal arrangement for dataownership”?
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Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 call_EC super_admin H2020-DT-2019-1 Data ownership - data governance Business model aspects Coordination
 Data Management Plan Result title Data Management Plan
 Video - Data Space Pathway Result description Data Spaces represent one of the fundamental enablers, allowing the full exploitation of Data Economy business models of Open Data, Data Marketplaces and Trusted Data Ecosystems.
 Data ownership - data governance Taxon title Data ownership - data governance Taxon description When shaping this model, the following questions must be answered: What is the legal arrangement for dataownership”?