Projects overview

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Description Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems • Limited integration from other information sources • Lack of distinction between internal and cross-company processes • Limited interoperability of systems/data
Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering tools Domain 4 -
 ADVENTURE Data Provisioning and Discovery Result title ADVENTURE Data Provisioning and Discovery
 ADVENTURE Cloud Storage Result description “binary data storage” or “semantic data storage”.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 6.3 Collaborative product-service systems design environments for SME involvement Taxon description API, data standards).

FiaD | Factory-in-a-day




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Comments platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Knowledge-workers and operators Technologies and enablers System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description granularity, zoom in and out functionalities, and real-time data acquisition from all the factory resources (i.e. assets, machines, workers and objects).
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Description Sensorial data will be communicated to smart phones via Bluetooth or Wifi.
Comments platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools ICT performance characteristics
 Collaborative LAB for META-Product Development Result description The public area is intended for end-users and experts which use the products and upload usage data to the cloud.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 4.3 Mobile store and applications for an agile and open supply network Taxon description Responsiveness of stakeholders within a supply network can be increased and new business opportunities could be generated if the right kind of data is made available to the decision makers at the right
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Comments platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools ICT performance characteristics
 Data mining tool Result title Data mining tool Result acronym Data mining tool
 AmI Selection tool, monitoring services and Methodology Result description With this result the customer may collect raw data from the configured AmI systems/sensors, aggregate this data and use it in the scope of PES.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 6.3 Collaborative product-service systems design environments for SME involvement Taxon description API, data standards).
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Comments Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Fleet-Wide Asset Health Management (FW-AHM) platform to collect, analyse
 (KER G5)Service solution for Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) of Robot Cells Result description A new data logger HW/SW solution has been developed for gathering data from virtually any device or system. This is the main component for the new Condition based Maintenance (CbM) solution.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon description For this, predictive data analytics techniques should be developed to aggregate and process the massive amount of data captured by intelligent devices from the field on-the-fly.
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Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools ICT performance characteristics
 Cost-Efficient Data Redundancy in the Cloud Result title Cost-Efficient Data Redundancy in the Cloud
 Automotive Use Case Result description Valuable efficiency and machine status data from the production processes coupled with data from legacy systems and positional data from key production assets will provide greater insight into the plant
 Data ownership - data governance Taxon title Data ownership - data governance
 Data Liability Taxon description . for example in relation to quality of data, data, security breaches, delivery, data analytics misuse or misrepresentation, loss of stored data, access or retrieval of data, etc.
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Description WORKERS" (FACTS4WORKERS), therefore a serious effort will be put into integrating already available IT enablers into a seamless & flexible Smart Factory infrastructure based on worker-centric and data-driven
Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools ICT performance characteristics
 Data Management Plan Result title Data Management Plan Result description Data Management Plan
 Data storage Taxon title Data storage Taxon description Data storage is the recording (storing) of information (data) in a storage medium.
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Comments platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools ICT performance characteristics
 Product variety management using data-mining methods — Reducing planning complexity by applying clustering analysis on product portfolios Result title Product variety management using data-mining methods — Reducing planning complexity by applying clustering analysis on product portfolios
 Plant Configuration for Frugal Innovation Result description This internal data structure communicates with the common PLM frugal framework data base via the PLM connector.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description getting a holistic overview of KPIs computed on collected data.
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Comments Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies SOA-EDA Secure IT for Manufacturing Intelligence symbiotically solves the
 Big Data Analytics Tools and Platforms First Result title Big Data Analytics Tools and Platforms First
 Mobile Applications Development Platform First Result description Data Analytics and 3D rendering in product service systems
 Mobile Applications Development Platform Final Result description Data Analytics and 3D rendering in product service systems
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 6.3 Collaborative product-service systems design environments for SME involvement Taxon description API, data standards).
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Comments storage and information mining Technologies and enablers Data storage Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Information and communication technologies Collaboration platform, Virtual
 EPES Simulation Module (SM) Result description SM provides data models and user interfaces for configuring the transformation of data between the VCN and the simulation software.
 ICT solutions for next generation data storage and information mining Taxon title ICT solutions for next generation data storage and information mining
 RP 3.1 Integrated factory models for evolvable manufacturing systems Taxon description getting a holistic overview of KPIs computed on collected data.
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Comments platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering tools Standards Standards
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 6.10 Customer focused products quality assessment standards and tools Taxon description New standards can provide data and quality assurance which can be managed in supply networks providing high quality products.
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Description The integration of sensor data allows for products to be members of the collaboration space.
Comments and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies collaboration space w.r.t. secure cross-domain / cross-organizational user authentication and fine-grained user authorization (based
 Relating machine and business data for added business value Result title Relating machine and business data for added business value
 Cycle-time validation support for engineers for accelerated on-site plant commissioning operations Result description Data-based harmonization approach for distributed data sources (refer to result #1).
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 4.8 Multi-Enterprise Role-Based Access Control (mRBAC) in manufacturing enterprises Taxon description This Research Priority is a necessity for encouraging more collaboration and trusted data sharing within enterprises supply network.
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Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools ICT performance characteristics
 Reference data model Result title Reference data model Result description Reference data model to support technically-oriented business processes, based on PLM, in industrial enterprises, especially SME. The data model is formulated as a modular ontology in OWL.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 3.3 Integrated High-performance Computing in Factory Life Cycle Management Taxon description ICT solutions for technical and historical data storage and knowledge mining for factory level operations are required that will analyse and process the data collected from an integration of factory information
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Comments platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Significant innovations and achievements Significant innovations and lessons learned, training aspects Standards
 GKN DEMO Result description The new approach has a basis in collecting machining data (MAS), geometry data (MES), selecting the best fitting segments (ISP), collecting data from tack welding (ATW) and, if possible, from full seam
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description granularity, zoom in and out functionalities, and real-time data acquisition from all the factory resources (i.e. assets, machines, workers and objects).
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Description A specific part of the platform takes into consideration a series of rules and will support project managers in the process of managing data workflow and integration issues.
Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering tools Domain 5 -
 Intelligent data management for a seamless and robust data availability Result title Intelligent data management for a seamless and robust data availability Result description It maps relational data transparently into ice.NET (current PDTec product) model with legacy data within ice.NET without replication and connects ice.NET to Master Data Management solutions.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 5.8 Enhanced Visualisation of complex Manufacturing and Production data Taxon description Aspects of data mining and data management have to be considered in the context of this process.
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Comments platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Knowledge-workers and operators Technologies and enablers Domain 4 - Collaborative and Mobile Enterprises Impact
 Collaboration Spaces Result title Collaboration Spaces Result acronym Collaboration Spaces
 Cloud-based GloNet platform Result description with external systems (data interoperabil-ity).
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon description For this, predictive data analytics techniques should be developed to aggregate and process the massive amount of data captured by intelligent devices from the field on-the-fly.
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Comments platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Significant innovations and achievements Significant innovations and lessons learned, training aspects Knowledge-workers
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 Domain 4: Collaborative and mobile enterprises Taxon description Some outstanding challenges which future manufacturing enterprises will have to encounter through innovative ICT are the following: • Facilitating secure data exchange for collaboration in design, engineering
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Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools ICT performance characteristics
 Machine Availability Monitoring Module Result description Afterwards, an information fusion technique processes the monitoring data in order to feed the process planning service with the status, specifications, and availability time windows of machine tools.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description granularity, zoom in and out functionalities, and real-time data acquisition from all the factory resources (i.e. assets, machines, workers and objects).
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Description Reuse of product and process data is a promising approach to leverage virtual simulation of manual manufacturing processes.
Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Collaborative and decentralized application architectures and development tools ICT performance characteristics
 Data Import, Filter and Mapping Result title Data Import, Filter and Mapping Result description The first is covered under the term structural data and the latter under the term geometry data in Fig. 1. Result acronym Data Import, Filter and Mapping
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 5.8 Enhanced Visualisation of complex Manufacturing and Production data Taxon description Aspects of data mining and data management have to be considered in the context of this process.
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Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Impact Workshop D3-Area 1: Cloud services
 Semantic Data Model & Repository Result title Semantic Data Model & Repository Result description The Semantic Web technologies are adopted for developing the data models as ontologies since they offer several key advantages to the whole Apps4Ame.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 5.2 Advanced Information Models for knowledge creation and learning Taxon description Future ICT research should focus on context-aware information modelling on data captured from the shop floor and enterprise backend systems.
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Comments R&I Objective 1.6: Data ‘highways’ and data spaces in support of smart factories in dynamic value networks MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 1: Excellent, responsive and smart factories
 Monitoring System HW and SW Result description New measurement equipment replacing the old system featuring OPC-UA data transfer
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon description and data analytics tools will identify deviations between expected and actual results allowing early management of factory and production issues.
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Comments Novel DC powered robot end effectors and manufacturing tools R&I Objective 1.6: Data ‘highways’ and data spaces in support of smart factories in dynamic value networks MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed
 Single and Multi-Robot Energy Consumption simulation Result description Results show a significant agreement with experimental data on the real robot.
 RP 2.10 Adaptive Process Automation and Control for a sensing shop floor Taxon description These systems should include software capable of monitoring KPIs and lifecycle parameters as well as data processing and data-mining technologies capable of extracting the knowledge and model of machine
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Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Significant innovations and achievements Significant innovations and lessons learned, training aspects
 Specifications of multimodal data communication Result title Specifications of multimodal data communication Result description A document on multimodal data communication for the consortium and others
 Data acquisition Taxon title Data acquisition Taxon description   Data acquisition applications are usually controlled by software programs developed using various general purpose programming languages So, as a summary, Data acquisition
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Comments ‘highways’ and data spaces in support of smart factories in dynamic value networks MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 1: Excellent, responsive and smart factories & supply chains Communion
 ComMUnion dataset for benchmarking Result description Public dataset with data, measurements and routings for benchmarking purposes.
 RP 3.5 Multi-level simulation and analytics for improving production quality and throughput Taxon description and data analytics tools will identify deviations between expected and actual results allowing early management of factory and production issues.
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Description Operator interaction will be done by a new developed HMI (Human Machine Interface) providing the huge amount of data in a reliable manner.
Comments Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies One option is to store the data generated by sending data to a cloud based
 A flexible architecture for data mining from heterogeneous data sources in automated production systems Result title A flexible architecture for data mining from heterogeneous data sources in automated production systems
 Data acquisition Taxon title Data acquisition
 RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon description For this, predictive data analytics techniques should be developed to aggregate and process the massive amount of data captured by intelligent devices from the field on-the-fly.
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Description On the other hand, monitoring of the machine empowered by Big Data and Cloud technologies allows analysing the real process including vibration and process instability issues.
Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Domain 3 - Digital, Virtual and Resource-efficient Factories Impact Workshop D3-Area 1: Cloud services
 Open research data Result title Open research data
 MC-SUITE application based on six different modules ready to reduce the gap between the simulated and the real process Result description MC-Monitor is a cloud based system able to store heterogeneous data including signal coming from internal sensors of the machine, from embedded systems and operator authored data.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 2.13 M2M cloud connectivity for future manufacturing enterprises Taxon description would make consumption and processing of device data faster and more efficient.
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Comments - data platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies System modelling - digital twins, simulation Technologies and enablers Engineering tools Standards Standards
 Selection of a data exchange format for industry 4.0 manufacturing systems Result title Selection of a data exchange format for industry 4.0 manufacturing systems
 Specification of the generic interfaces for machinery, control systems and data backbone Result description AutomationML or ontologies, which can be extended to include particular functionalities, e.g. operational data.
 Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms Taxon title Digital manufacturing platforms - data platforms
 RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon description For this, predictive data analytics techniques should be developed to aggregate and process the massive amount of data captured by intelligent devices from the field on-the-fly.
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Comments ‘highways’ and data spaces in support of smart factories in dynamic value networks MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 1: Excellent, responsive and smart factories & supply chains Research
 Data storage Taxon title Data storage Taxon description Data storage is the recording (storing) of information (data) in a storage medium.
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Comments platforms Technologies and enablers Data spaces Information and communication technologies Scheduling Addressed processes Factory Automation Addressed processes Simulation Addressed processes Supply
 Key enablers and cross-cutting factors Result description data storage, simulation tools, high performance computing, big data technologies, artificial intelligence, etc… Cross-cutting aspects are described through a comprehensive set of structured
 Data ownership - data governance Taxon title Data ownership - data governance
 Data Liability Taxon description . for example in relation to quality of data, data, security breaches, delivery, data analytics misuse or misrepresentation, loss of stored data, access or retrieval of data, etc.