Projects overview

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Comments characteristics Social sustainability Occupational safety and health Manufacturing performance characteristics Social sustainability Social sustainability Manufacturing performance characteristics Co-evolution
 UTC Pilot - AR Assembly Guidance (ARAG) Solution - supporting workers in procedural tasks Result description The ARAG solution, replaces paper-based instructions with holograms, which are displayed to the technician’s field of view (FOV) through a head-mounted display (HMD), overlaid on the real product
 RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration Taxon title RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration Taxon description Immersive and symbiotic collaboration between human workers and robots leads to a more efficient and flexible manufacturing environment.
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Description Hereupon, the reduced carbon footprint is evaluated during manufacturing and in-service.
Comments manufacturing processes Sub-Domain 1.3: Business models and strategies for disruptive manufacturing processes FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Domain 1: Advanced manufacturing processes RP 1.11 Product
 RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration Taxon title RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration
 Domain 6: Customer-focused manufacturing Taxon description Future manufacturing enterprises would collect explicit as well as tacit customer requirements, analyze them and make the right product and service model.
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Description In this way, it will optimize in-service efficiency through reduced failure rates and downtime due to repair, unplanned plant/production system outages and extension of component life.
Comments Innovation Pathways Collaborative Product-Service Factories Pathway Digital Platforms for next generation PS Systems lifecycle management Pathways Product-Service Symbiotic Evolution Collaborative Product-Service
 FTT use case: Transportation Logistics Result description FFT maintenance service performance can be improved considerably e.g. by ensuring the availability of resources (equipment, spare parts, materials etc.).
 Product-Service Innovation Taxon title Product-Service Innovation
 Service model Taxon description Different XaaS concepts describe broad category of service models, which offer customers product delivery and payment options that allow them to purchase access to products as a service. the most common
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Description Today, product processing and packaging have often reached a high degree of automation, in which energy consumption awareness, agile manufacturing and product customization are well addressed.
Comments floor environments FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities Sub-Domain 2.1 Adaptive and smart manufacturing devices, components and machines Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems RP 2.3 Symbiotic
 RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration Taxon title RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration
 Co-evolution of products-processes-production systems (‘industrial symbiosis’) Taxon description Co-evolution of products-processes-production systems or ‘industrial symbiosis’ with minimum need of new resources
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Comments Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities RP 3.11 Design and management of Production Systems in Evolution FoF Partnership SRIA Research priorities
 RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration Taxon title RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration Taxon description Immersive and symbiotic collaboration between human workers and robots leads to a more efficient and flexible manufacturing environment.
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Description Two different views of products will be used in this case; energy as a product service and energy related equipment (generation/ supply) as a product service.
Comments Symbiotic Evolution Collaborative Product-Service Factories Pathway Research & Innovation Action (RIA) Project type - instrument R&I Objective 3.1: Collaborative product-service engineering for costumer
 A sensor ontology enabling service implementation in Industrial Product-Service Systems Result title A sensor ontology enabling service implementation in Industrial Product-Service Systems
 ICP4Life Designer Component Result description The Designer component supports the creation and the management of product-service data by engineers and designers during the collaborative design process.
 Service-enabled Product Design Taxon title Service-enabled Product Design Taxon description Product-Service-System Design Engineering open to customers and final users. Advanced services integrated.
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Description The proposed SYMBIO-TIC project addresses these important issues towards a safe, dynamic, intuitive and cost-effective working environment were immersive and symbiotic collaboration between human workers
Comments Addressed processes Engineering tools Addressed processes Factory Automation Addressed processes Monitoring Addressed processes Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Collaborative Product-Service
 Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SYMBIO-TIC (Symbiotic Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly: Technologies, Innovations and Competitiveness) Result title Symbiotic Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly
 Symbiotic Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly Result title Symbiotic Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly
 Mobile worker identification and tracking system Result description Applications include product tracking, item identification, time tracking, document management, and marketing.
 Collaborative Product-Service Factories Pathway Taxon title Collaborative Product-Service Factories Pathway
 RP 2.3 Symbiotic Safe and Productive human robot interaction, professional Service Robots and Multimodal Human-Machine-Robot Collaboration Taxon description Immersive and symbiotic collaboration between human workers and robots leads to a more efficient and flexible manufacturing environment.
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Description design-production, product-service, knowledge-sentiment, EDA-SOA, business-innovation and able to dramatically reduce the time-to-market of more attractive and sustainable product-service solutions.
Comments Product-Service Factories Pathway Product-Service Symbiotic Evolution Pathways Collaborative Product-Service Factories Pathway Research & Innovation Action (RIA) Project type - instrument R&I Objective
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PSYMBIOSYS (Product-Service sYMBIOtic SYStems) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PSYMBIOSYS (Product-Service sYMBIOtic SYStems)
 Product-Service Engineering Conceptual Framework Final Result description Product-oriented industrial models for product-service design
 Product-Service Engineering Conceptual Framework First Result description Product-oriented industrial models for product-service design
 Product-Service Symbiotic Evolution Taxon title Product-Service Symbiotic Evolution
 Service-enabled Product Design Taxon description Product-Service-System Design Engineering open to customers and final users. Advanced services integrated.