Projects overview

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Description lifetime of a solar electricity producing field, individual panels can be monitored, allowing to identify defaulting panels at an early stage, replacing or repairing them and thus to increase the overall energy
Comments consumption (in %) Additional KPIs Contribution to the reduction of energy use and CO2 emissions Reduction of energy consumption through argon gas recycling and reusable crucibles.
 Utlra-green energy Result title Utlra-green energy
 Utilisation of Kerf-Loss from Silicon Wafer Sawing for the Manufacturing of Silicon Nitride Crucibles Result description NojaJournal title: EU PVSEC proceedingsJournal publisher: WIP - Renewable EnergiesPublished year: 2018
 Reduction of energy consumption (in %) Taxon title Reduction of energy consumption (in %)
 RP 3.14 De-Manufacturing factories Taxon description Environmental concerns and increasing scarcity of key-metals and rare earths call for new de-manufacturing approaches allowing to intelligently re-use, re-manufacture and recycle materials and components
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 Cloud-based design of water turbines for power generation Result description Among these, water turbines are the oldest renewable energy system.
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description Factories designed in such holistic and structured way will be more efficient in energy consumption and will provide a safer workplace.