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Comments and standardisation IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards according to SDOs Standards OPC-UA Standards and standardisation Standards according to SDOs Standards Added value
 D11.2a BEinCPPS External Collaboration Plan Standards Result title D11.2a BEinCPPS External Collaboration Plan Standards Result description This deliverable includes a report about external collaborations, including relationships with SDOs.
 D11.2b BEinCPPS External Collaboration Plan Standards Result description This deliverable includes a report about external collaborations, including relationships with SDOs.
 Standards Taxon title Standards
 IEEE 802.1 TSN Taxon description The standards define mechanisms for the time-sensitive transmission of data over Ethernet networks.
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Comments and standardisation Standards according to SDOs Standards OPC-UA Standards and standardisation Standards according to SDOs Standards SCM - MES - ERP Software connected to SCM - MES - ERP software of
 Standards Taxon title Standards
 Data ownership - data governance Taxon description Is the legal setting a fixed standards (“general conditions”) or is it a flexible, individual  approach? Are model contracts available?
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Comments OPC-UA Standards and standardisation Standards according to SDOs Standards The Orion Context Broker Generic Enabler Technologies and enablers Smart Industry Context Information Management and Persistence
 Report on standards (a) used and (b) triggered in Z-Bre4k Result title Report on standards (a) used and (b) triggered in Z-Bre4k Result description Description of Z-Bre4k standards adherence; detailed justification of standardisation elements triggering discussions in relevant bodies.
 Standards Taxon title Standards
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Comments OPC-UA Standards and standardisation Standards according to SDOs Standards Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture (OPC-UA) is considered for UPTIME platform and for modular edge data
 The Standards as Critical Means of Integration of Advanced Maintenance Approaches to Production Systems Result title The Standards as Critical Means of Integration of Advanced Maintenance Approaches to Production Systems
 Standardization Plan and Activities Report Result description Standardization Plan and Results with appendixes detailing the different proposals to be pushed to standardization bodies and describing the way to implement the UPTIME standards
 Standardisation via other Standards Developing Organisations (SDO) (eg. W3C, IEEE, ASTM, etc..) Taxon title Standardisation via other Standards Developing Organisations (SDO) (eg. W3C, IEEE, ASTM, etc..)