Projects overview

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Description They must be skilled and flexible to meet the requirements of their work environment. The training of new workers in these processes is time consuming and costly for companies.
 An Automated Machine Learning Framework for Predictive Analytics in Quality Control Result title An Automated Machine Learning Framework for Predictive Analytics in Quality Control
 Digital intelligent assistant core for manufacturing demonstrator - version 1 Result description The first implementation of the assistant core software in BIBAs research shop floor and allowing followup work and first dissemination and exploitation activities
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Description Future manufacturing will be characterized by the complementarity between humans and automation, especially regarding the production of highly customizable products.
Comments aims to design the workplace of the future where the tasks are allocated to the production line operators based on their skills while also increasing their capabilities through Human-Robot Collaboration
 MANUWORK Web Portal Result title MANUWORK Web Portal Result comments MANUWORK
 Load Balancing Optimization Tool Result description Among many challenges that manufacturer are facing in response to changes in production, balancing the assembly lines with considerable investment costs to achieve the highest level of efficiency and flexibility Result comments MANUWORK
 Dissemination Plan Result comments MANUWORK Result acronym MANUWORK-325714
 Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MANUWORK (Balancing Human and Automation Levels for the Manufacturing Workplaces of the Future) Result comments MANUWORK
 Automation Skills Management Result comments MANUWORK
 SKIMATIC - Shop floor Task Allocation based on skills Result comments MANUWORK
 Task scheduling app Result comments MANUWORK
 Augmented Reality (AR) to support the integration of people with disabilities in the production line Result comments MANUWORK
 Augmented Reality (AR) for supporting operators in press-brake operation Result comments MANUWORK
 Dissemination Report Result comments MANUWORK
 X-Reality System Architecture for Industry 4.0 Processes Result comments MANUWORK
 Assembly line balancing problem: a comparative evaluation of heuristics and a computational assessment of objectives Result comments MANUWORK
 Augmented Reality for virtual user manual Result comments MANUWORK
 Combining augmented reality and simulation-based optimization for decision support in manufacturing Result comments MANUWORK
 An improved genetic algorithm with variable neighborhood search to solve the assembly line balancing problem Result comments MANUWORK
 Choosing efficient meta-heuristics to solve the assembly line balancing problem: A landscape analysis approach Result comments MANUWORK
 A Genetic Algorithm for Bi-Objective Assembly Line Balancing Problem Result comments MANUWORK
 Unlocking Augmented Interactions in Short-Lived Assembly Tasks Result comments MANUWORK
 Empowering assembly workers with cognitive disabilities by working with collaborative robots: a study to capture design requirements Result comments MANUWORK
 X-Reality System Architecture for Industry 4.0 Processes Result comments MANUWORK
 Classification of Collaboration Levels for Human-Robot Cooperation in Manufacturing Result comments MANUWORK
 Enabling Knowledge Transfer through Analytics in Industrial Social Networks Result comments MANUWORK
 Foundation for a classification of collaboration levels for human-robot cooperation in manufacturing Result comments MANUWORK
 An Adaptive Framework for Augmented Reality Instructions Considering Workforce Skill Result comments MANUWORK
 Assembly Line Balancing Type-E with Technological Requirement: A Mathematical Model Result comments MANUWORK
 An Optimization Model for Balancing Assembly Lines With Stochastic Task Times and Zoning Constraints Result comments MANUWORK
 White paper - Human-centred factories from theory to industrial practice. Lessons learned and recommendations Result comments MANUWORK
 Volvo use case: AR visualization of industrial simulation Result comments MANUWORK
 LANTEGI use case: AR assisted assembly of electrical boards Result comments MANUWORK
 Occupational safety and health Comments aims to design the workplace of the future where the tasks are allocated to the production line operators based on their skills while also increasing their capabilities through Human-Robot Collaboration
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Description Preventive maintenance strategies designed for traditional highly repetitive and stable mass production processes based on predefined components and machine behaviour models are no longer valid and more
Comments Work centres - Production lines Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Enterprise - Factory Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Connected Enterprises - Factories
 A PdM Framework Through the Event-based Genomics of Machine Breakdown Result title A PdM Framework Through the Event-based Genomics of Machine Breakdown
 Evaluation Methodology and Plan Result description Methodological framework, instruments and indicators for technical, user acceptance and impact assessment evaluation.
 Work centres - Production lines Taxon title Work centres - Production lines
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description In the factories of the future, assets and inventories together with production and assembly lines would be dynamically designed, configured, monitored and maintained.
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Description The Intelligent Manufacturing approach will work at machine-mold project level to optimise/adapt the production of the specific product and can be extended at factory level to select/plan the appropriated
Comments Work centres - Production lines Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels All stages of production line are connecteted to the Data-Driven Digital Twin platform Enterprise
 Device monitoring the production of pressure castings over the filling operation in a mold cavity Result title Device monitoring the production of pressure castings over the filling operation in a mold cavity
 The MUSIC guide to key-parameters in High Pressure Die Casting Result description The book collects the guidelines to design and to implement the Intelligent Sensor Network (ISN) in HPDC production line as first deliverable of MUSIC project.
 Work centres - Production lines Taxon title Work centres - Production lines
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description In the factories of the future, assets and inventories together with production and assembly lines would be dynamically designed, configured, monitored and maintained.
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Description FACTS4WORKERS will develop and demonstrate workplace solutions that support the inclusion of increasing elements of knowledge work on the factory floor.
Comments station Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Work centres - Production lines Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Spreadsheet/texteditor ERP Pathways General purpose
 Evaluation framework Result description Evaluation framework
 Work centres - Production lines Taxon title Work centres - Production lines
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description In the factories of the future, assets and inventories together with production and assembly lines would be dynamically designed, configured, monitored and maintained.
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Description We will also demonstrate the direct impact of the platform on maintainability, availability, work safety and costs in order to document the results in detailed business cases for widespread industry dissemination
Comments and training aspects Significant innovations and lessons learned, training aspects Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Work centres - Production lines Manufacturing system levels
 A framework for the integration of digitalised maintenance systems with relevant working areas: A case study Result title A framework for the integration of digitalised maintenance systems with relevant working areas: A case study
 Demonstration of PreCoM system in low-volume manufacturing (Sakana) Result description With a total capacity of production of around 30,000 tons per year, Sakana is specialized in the production of very heavy-section parts (20-30 tons) and it is divided into two divisions: Wind turbine
 Work centres - Production lines Taxon title Work centres - Production lines
 Knowledge-workers and operators Taxon description “FOF-04-2016: Continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems”.
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Description The project will be based on industrial applications, bringing its development to a maturity level that allows the introduction in industry, as well proven production technologies.
Comments station Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Work centres - Production lines Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels RP 5.3 Levels of automation and continuous adaptation
 Augmented Reality (AR) package for human-robot cooperation Result description process and c) Visualize information concerning the station equipment d)Visualize alerts for potentially hazardous situations in the assembly lines
 Work centres - Production lines Taxon title Work centres - Production lines
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Description Assuming the planned production rates of 60 planes per month from 2025, savings of 150 MEUR in production costs can be obtained per year.
Comments station Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Work centres - Production lines Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Clustering Diverse International Diverse Patents
 Sensor for measuring fiber orientation during material placement Result description Defect data are mapped to a 3D model of the part ot allow efficient re-work.
 Work centres - Production lines Taxon title Work centres - Production lines
 Waste minimisation Taxon description Waste minimisation involves redesigning products and processes and/or changing societal patterns of consumption and production.
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Description with the existing production planning and scheduling tools (MES).
Comments station Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Work centres - Production lines Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Enterprise - Factory Manufacturing system levels
 Plug-and-produce HMI framework Result title Plug-and-produce HMI framework
 Architecture for data models and information exchange Result description It will be validated within the following work packages, and adapted according to the results of practical testing as the other work packages progress.
 Work centres - Production lines Taxon title Work centres - Production lines
 RP 2.11 Dynamic Manufacturing Execution Environments for their Smarter Integration into dynamic and agile factories Taxon description Current Manufacturing Execution Systems are static and do not adapt adequately to the dynamic and agility of evolvable production systems.
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Comments centres - Production lines Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Autonomous /online/realtime Manufacturing Process Optimisation on factory level Pathways Realtime optimisation Autonomous
 Optimising gas and flame detector layouts in hazardous manufacturing and production plants Result title Optimising gas and flame detector layouts in hazardous manufacturing and production plants
 Near Real-time Analysis of Airframe Certification Test Data Result description The approach taken in this experiment was to use KE-chain, together with Colosso’s data analysis and storage framework to calibrate a new algorithm to model materials based on data from fatigue tests
 Work centres - Production lines Taxon title Work centres - Production lines
 Domain 3: Digital, virtual and resource-efficient factories Taxon description In the factories of the future, assets and inventories together with production and assembly lines would be dynamically designed, configured, monitored and maintained.
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Description The most important requirements to be fulfilled by the production cell are: weight neutrality, cost efficiency, time efficiency and bonding strength.
Comments Work station Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Work centres - Production lines Manufacturing system levels Manufacturing system levels Number of participating SMEs Additional
 Final validation of the prototype production cell Result title Final validation of the prototype production cell
 Work centres - Production lines Taxon title Work centres - Production lines
 RP 1.2 Advanced joining technologies for advanced and multi-materials Taxon description Practical validation of the new processes needs to be determined on demonstrator work pieces or early stage prototypes.