Projects overview

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Description a unified information system addressing the predictive maintenance strategy.
Comments R&I Objective 1.1: Zero-defect and zero-downtime high-precision manufacturing, including predictive quality and non-destructive inspection methods MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective
 Real-time Predictive Maintenance Based on Complex Event Processing Result title Real-time Predictive Maintenance Based on Complex Event Processing
 Market Research Result description Market analysis of the predictive maintenance market
 Measurement, sensing, condition and performance monitoring technologies Taxon description , calibration and sensing, signal processing and model-based virtual sensing for a wide range of applications, e.g. event pattern detection, diagnostics, anomaly detection, prognostics and predictive maintenance
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Comments   R&I Objective 1.1: Zero-defect and zero-downtime high-precision manufacturing, including predictive quality and non-destructive inspection methods MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective
 Use Case Scenario INTRA-FACTORY-2: Predictive maintenance Result title Use Case Scenario INTRA-FACTORY-2: Predictive maintenance
 D5.1 Big data mining and analytics tools I Result description These techniques can be used in several manufacturing challenges such as predictive maintenance or product defect detection.
 RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon title RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems
 Product quality - Quality assurance Taxon description This defect prevention in quality assurance differs subtly from defect detection and rejection in quality control, and has been referred to as a shift left as it focuses on quality earlier in the process
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Description predictive-prescriptive maintenance strategies are needed.
Comments Advanced data analysis tools are under development, to be applied to the quality and production data to realise zero-defect and zero-break down production.
 Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Z-BRE4K (Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Z-BRE4K (Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories)
 Techonolgy Validation Plan Result description Methodology, Test Cases, Test Procedures, timing, performance and defect log forms, results from the validation of the Z-Bre4k technologies.
 Product quality - Quality assurance Taxon description This defect prevention in quality assurance differs subtly from defect detection and rejection in quality control, and has been referred to as a shift left as it focuses on quality earlier in the process
 Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Comments Advanced data analysis tools are under development, to be applied to the quality and production data to realise zero-defect and zero-break down production.
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Description A tool for merging maintenance and production schedules with integrated ERP support (WP4) A platform to share maintenance and machines related information between involved personnel (WP5).
Comments validation, there are: Inherent Availability (+5%) Schedule Adherence (+5%) Reaction time (-30%)     R&I Objective 1.1: Zero-defect
 Maintenance Service Platform (MSP) for maintenance information collection and sharing Result title Maintenance Service Platform (MSP) for maintenance information collection and sharing
 Milling machine tools use case: Aurrenak pilot line Result description maintenance cost.
 Product quality - Quality assurance Taxon description This defect prevention in quality assurance differs subtly from defect detection and rejection in quality control, and has been referred to as a shift left as it focuses on quality earlier in the process
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Comments The goal wpould be to reach a zero-defect process by data harvesting of historc data.
 RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon title RP 3.2 Intelligent maintenance systems for increased reliability of production systems Taxon description holistic overview to decision makers about automated maintenance operations.
 Economic sustainability Comments The goal wpould be to reach a zero-defect process by data harvesting of historc data.
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Description (data analytics, machine learning) and planning of maintenance and production activities, AR based technologies for supporting the human operator for maintenance activities and monitoring of the production
Comments project_id_EC super_admin project_rcn_EC super_admin topic_EC super_admin FOF-09-2017 call_EC super_admin H2020-FOF-2017 R&I Objective 1.1: Zero-defect and zero-downtime high-precision manufacturing
 Design of versatile maintenance and planning Result title Design of versatile maintenance and planning
 Robotics Use Case Result description Maintenance operations are currently scheduled by the customer based on the preventive maintenance indications provided by the COMAU manual.
 Product quality - Quality assurance Taxon description This defect prevention in quality assurance differs subtly from defect detection and rejection in quality control, and has been referred to as a shift left as it focuses on quality earlier in the process
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Description • To increase production time trough model-based control (increase of 1-2%) To reduce energy consumption (25-50%) Improve machine reliability and increase machine up-time due to a proactive maintenance
Comments sustainability deliverableType_EC super_admin result_rcn_EC super_admin Specific Objective 1: Excellent, responsive and smart factories & supply chains MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) R&I Objective 1.1: Zero-defect
 Fleet Management Platform for Machine Tools Result description   Expected impact: Reduction of 30 % in corrective maintenance costs •Increase in machine up-time (2-4 %)
 Engineering tools Taxon description Engineering is the creative application of science, mathematical methods, and empirical evidence to the innovation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of structures, machines, materials
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 A Smart Predictive Maintenance Toolbox for drawing lines of car body elements - SPMTcar Result title A Smart Predictive Maintenance Toolbox for drawing lines of car body elements - SPMTcar
 The Royal Eijkelkamp BV Exp.09 Result description The AI system assists the maintenance staff by reducing the maintenance effort and increasing trust in the measurement platform.
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Description The Z-Fact0r consortium has conducted an extensive state-of-the-art research and realised that although a number of activities have been trying to address the need for zero-defect manufacturing, still
Comments Thanks to the 5 intertwined zero-defect strategies (i.e.
 A Scheduling Tool for Achieving Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM): A Conceptual Framework Result title A Scheduling Tool for Achieving Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM): A Conceptual Framework
 Methodology for Z-Factor solution validation / evaluation Result description rate, average multistage production defect rate (goal for zero-defects), i) im-provement in defect propagation to downstream stages.
 Data collection, storage, analytics, processing and AI Comments Thanks to the 5 intertwined zero-defect strategies (i.e.
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Description Innovative fog computing and augmented reality techniques are combined with enhanced health monitoring and failure inspection and diagnosis methodologies that enhance the effective use of materials, improve maintenance
 Next Generation IoT and Digital Twin Based Fault Diagnosis and Predictive Maintenance Result title Next Generation IoT and Digital Twin Based Fault Diagnosis and Predictive Maintenance
 REPLICA: A Solution for Next Generation IoT and Digital Twin Based Fault Diagnosis and Predictive Maintenance Result title Next Generation IoT and Digital Twin Based Fault Diagnosis and Predictive Maintenance
 Automated Inspection, Condition Monitoring and Production Optimisation Result description To go towards smart remanufacturing and maintenance in the era of Industry 4.0, automated inspection, condition monitoring and integrated optimisation of production and maintenance planning is necessary
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Description Proposal abstractThe FOCUS project will build upon the fundament of five existing FoF Clusters, Zero Defect Manufacturing (4ZDM), Robotics, Clean factory, Precision Micro Production Technologies (High
Comments Workshop D1-Area 4: High-precision Production Technologies Impact Workshop Domain 1 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes Domain 2 - Adaptive and Smart Manufacturing Systems Impact Workshop D2-Area 2: Zero-defect
 D1.5 Roadmap Maintenance and Support cluster (activities, awareness, FoF priorities and take ups) Result title D1.5 Roadmap Maintenance and Support cluster (activities, awareness, FoF priorities and take ups)
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Description In addition several non-destructive inspection (NDI) methods and data-driven quality assessment techniques are considered for online defect identification and quality assessment, distributed at various
 Integration of Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) systems for Zero-Defect Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 era Result title Integration of Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) systems for Zero-Defect Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 era Result acronym Integration of Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) systems for Zero-Defect Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 era
 A robot-based inspecting system for 3D measurement Result description Zero Defect Manufacturing aims to minimize the number of defects within a process through proper measurement and control that make possible defect prediction and prevention.
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 Learning Attention Propagation for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning Result title Learning Attention Propagation for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
 Damaged metal part inspection and repairing Result description Fluent and natural human-robot interaction for part inspection, defect detection and repair strategy preparation for intelligent decision-making support and faster programming time of repairing process