Projects overview

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Comments , actuators and end-effectors Technologies and enablers Mechatronics and robotics technologies The High Dynamic Compensation Mechanism Intelligent machinery components, actuators and end-effectors
 Robotic machining of high precision steel components Result title Robotic machining of high precision steel components
 Robot deburring of inconel turbine discs Result description AML identified an aero - component to be used as test bed for robot machining: turbine discs. Turbine discs are the components in the gas turbine engines to which the blades attach.
 Intelligent machinery components, actuators and end-effectors Taxon title Intelligent machinery components, actuators and end-effectors Taxon description Intelligent components enable the deployment of safe, energy-efficient, accurate and flexible or reconfigurable products and production systems.
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Description improved smart product customer experience new digital business models; e.g. outcome-based and product servitisation Qu4lity will do this through an orchestrated open platform ecosystem, ZDM atomized components
 Pilot - AIRBUS Trade space framework for Autonomous Quality Manufacturing Systems’ Design Result description Case focus aero structure design –with composite or metallic machining and assembly process using robots or humans.
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Description MODUL4R focuses on 4 pillars, offering HW and SW components: Pillar 1: Resilience against changes in customer and societal demands and disruption on the supply chain Pillar 2: Modular technologies
 Highly customised taps for application in aero and windmill manufacturing Result title Highly customised taps for application in aero and windmill manufacturing
 Flexible and modular CPPS for automatised assembly of printed circuit boards (PCBs) Result description The hybrid assembly will be capable of automatically sensing, detecting and assembling a variety of components.