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5G Security Architecture

Project: 5G-Ensure

Updated at: 23-06-2018

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Acronym 5G Security Architecture
Title 5G Security Architecture
Description The security architecture builds on the current 3GPP security architecture (TS 33.401) where the network and its security functionalities are represented in terms of domains, strata and security feature

Complete System Design - Public Version

Project: HORSE

Updated at: 23-06-2018

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Acronym HORSE Reference Architecture
Description The HORSE reference architecture include the complete system design of the HORSE project, concentrating on the logical architecture (as defined in the Kruchten 4+1 view framework) and providing a separation

FAR-EDGE Migration Strategies

Project: FAR-EDGE

Updated at: 22-06-2018

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Description FAR-EDGE Migration Strategies for Factory Automation considers techniques and best practices for implementing a safe and productive path from centralized, hierarchical automation architectures to the decentralized

H-R station controller

Project: X-ACT

Updated at: 22-06-2018

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Description Easy integration of different software modules and sensors data Reduce programming effort of software developers by enabling the collaboration under a common framework Open source architecture where

DC-Robot architecture

Project: AREUS

Updated at: 22-06-2018

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Acronym DC-Robot architecture
Title DC-Robot architecture
Description Noovel electrical architecture for Industrial robots able to work from 600V DC grid without additional conversion stages.
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Acronym DMN refernce architecture and platform design
Title IMAGINE reference architecture and IMAGINE platform
Description The IMAGINE Platform follows a modular and service oriented architecture which enables it to be customizable. This provides the ability to exploit different component clusters.

EPES Simulation Module (SM)

Project: EPES

Updated at: 22-06-2018

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Description Simulation Module (SM) The simulation module can be seen as the lowest level component in the architecture, where it is accessed and its services are used by higher tier components.

Revised Architecture Specification

Project: KAP

Updated at: 22-06-2018

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Title Revised Architecture Specification
Description The Revised Architecture Specification of KAP describes a more detailed definition of the distributed real-time event processing architecture for data analysis based on the deliverable 6.1 of the KAP Project

Online demos PREMANUS pilots


Updated at: 21-06-2018

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Description Three differnet case studies were used to validate PREMANUS concept and architecture: - CRF: intelligent automotive remanufacturing - SKF: remote predictive cost estimation - Remedia: customizable waste