• Results
  • Factory2Fit - Continental - 2

Continental Pilot: Participatory Design Tool


Due to the wide number of participatory design (PD) methods available today, correct method selection from a layman is challenging, as wrong method selection can lead to inadequate results and subsequently to reduced acceptance of PD (Bojko et al., 2019). 

A software-based solution has been developed, simplifying the process of method selection. Based on user input, the algorithm determines/suggests the most suitable methods and hides the non-suitable ones.

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Country: DE
Address: Limbach-Oberfrohna
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Within Factory2Fit there were 2 use cases for the codesign process piloted at Continental plant Limbach-Oberfrohna. One pilot was carried out for the workplace design and one for the work process design. An evaluation of the method selection and execution showed that there was good acceptance among the workers who contributed to the design process. To reach positive results during the codesign process it is essential to assess the boundary conditions and the group structure very well. 


The method selection tool can also be used by non-experts as there is no need of vast know-how for the utilization of the offered tool. Therefore, the layman can easily select the right method out of a wide range. Codesign itself strengthens the companies as the workers can include their tacit knowledge into the workplace - or work process design and therefore have a higher commitment to their job once their ideas are implemented.