Vehicle Routing Planning App

Vehicle Routing Planning App
- Motivation / Need: Due to concerns over food safety, quality and transparency, the food industry has been challenged to deal with an increased complexity in its logistics and production planning. This complexity is mostly associated to the task of optimally explore a highly constrained solution space. The problem of designing a set of vehicle routes satisfying the delivery and the collection requirements of a set of geographically scattered linehaul and backhaul customers, where each customer has a known demand for delivery and/or pickup, that must be serviced within a predefined time window , representing the earliest and the latest times service time, by a vehicle of a homogeneous fleet of depot-returning capacitated vehicles is a task that cannot be solve manually anymore. - Application Area: Applicable to all kind of logistics company - Solution Concept: 1. Stand-alone application enriched with an optimization algorithm that explores the solution space 2. Application with a easy-to-use interface
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Country: GERMANY
Address: Stuttgart
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