High-efficiency powder feeding system for micro-/nano-manufacturing applications

High-efficiency powder feeding system for micro-/nano-manufacturing applications
MicroLS has designed and developed a series of different feeding systems suitable for demonstrators of various dimensions. A lab-stage feeder was tested with metallic and ceramic powders in filling tests to assess the range of flow rates achievable and the reproducibility of results. A prototype of a volumetric system, ideal for production of larger objects, has been realized with all mechanical and electrical parts and is ready to be tested for validation with the selected powders. The CPU board has been selected and the software interface is being refined to allow an easy management of the feeding process by the operator; further cooperation with the relevant partners will ensure the optimal integration of the feeding station in the final machine. All the systems designed could be adapted for their use in other manufacturing industries exploiting powdered materials.
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Country: GERMANY
Address: Hannover
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