Ghent University - Machineries & Factories (M&F)

Ghent University - Machineries & Factories (M&F)
Basic information
Country: Belgium
Address: Technologiepark 913, Gent 9052
General description

Ghent University Machineries & Factories (M&F) is an industrial research oriented platform at Ghent University and university college howest funded. In total we are 125FTE (junior and senior researchers) working on: 

  • Smart Motion Products
  • Smart Production Systems

We align our activities with the Flemish strategic research centre for the manufacturing industry Flanders Make. Several researchers are member of Flanders Make, others are a member of imec. The platform brings together experts from three domains:

  • Electromechanical engineering: multi-physic modelling of physical phenomena in actuators and systems forms a strong basis. (Hybrid) models are developed and used for the design, soft sensing, optimisation, condition monitoring and advanced (yet industry friendly) control of motion products. Our test benches allow to validate smart motion products in an emulated relevant environment (TRL4/5).
  • Industrial systems engineering: we design, optimise and validate flexible (hybrid) assembly cells incl. the task allocation and the virtual commissioning. Strategies for production and maintenance are combined with quality control strategies & supply chain logistics. Our lab infrastructure resembles real industrial assembly cells and factory settings.
  • Digital engineering: our researchers are working on transfer, cross-context & data-efficient machine learning with expert in the loop functionality for industry 4.0. Furthermore, they develop AR/VR/MR industry relevant tools, and our dynamic visualisations support our anomaly detection tools.

We have offices in Ghent, Ghent-Zwijnaarde and Kortrijk. 

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