Aerospace Valley

Basic information
Country: France
Address: Toulouse
EC Portal: Visit
General description

Aerospace Valley is a non-profit created on July 13, 2005 to grow the competitiveness of the Midi-Pyrénées & Aquitaine regions’ Aeronautics, Space, and Embedded Systems sectors on the national, European and international levels. Aerospace Valley was certified a “Worldwide Cluster” from its inception. The guiding purpose of Aerospace Valley is to leverage the competitiveness and visibility of its some 757 members, both on the national and international scene, as well as to optimize the attractiveness of the Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées regions, by fostering the development of networks and collaborative initiatives. Aerospace Valley fulfills this mission by leveraging the two regions’ assets in terms of research, innovation, and know-how, by supporting the growth of SMEs and by fostering cooperation between SMEs, industry leaders, investors, and research organizations.

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