Bandera spa

Bandera spa
Basic information
Country: Italy
Address: Busto Arsizio (va)
General description

Extrusion Academy®

Bandera is a plastic/bioplastic machinery builder since 1943

EA – Extrusion Academy® is a place where to co-develop advanced extrusion solutions

With industrial production lines inside The House of Extrusion ® or laboratory ones in Extrusion Academy it is possible to explore many new applications in Smart Factory, Industry 4.0, IIoT, with our IoE Internet of Extrusion ®, Sensors, Cognitive Extrusion ®, IoP Internet of Packaging ®, Smart Packaging, composites like graphene and other 2D materials in/on plastics, bioplastics, biopolymers

We can modify and adapt our blown film and rigid flat die technologies – integrated with lamination, coating and printing solutions – to any request.

Open for collaboration in new innovative projects. Ideal to test new h/w e s/w solutions in real production environment.

Associated projects