DAPHNE | Development of adaptive ProductioN systems for Eco-efficient firing processes


The overall scope of the DAPhNE project is to develop and demonstrate a package of integrated solutions for energy intensive processes (ceramics, cement and glass), based on tuning micro-wave technologies to the material characteristics and on intelligent control systems, to provide real time information about the energy consumption as well as the product quality.

Microwave heating is now a well established heating technique for many industrial sectors with low temperature processes (i.e. drying) and low power demand. However, high temperature microwave heating has not been implemented as a full-scale industrial-processing.

The DAPhNE project brings together three manufacturing sectors (ceramic, glass and cement) with common problems in relation to the energy consumption of their firing processes, seeking common solutions via the implementation of high temperature MW technologies based on self-adaptive control and monitoring systems.

The multidisciplinary consortium comprises 7 industrial partners together with 1 technological-based company closely collaborating with group of 9 research organizations.

The DAPhNE project brings together the ceramic, glass and cement industries to develop, test and demonstrate a package of modular and re-configurable solutions based on:

  • Self-adaptive control of high temperature MW processes as well as
  • Active control of production lines that incorporate the above proposed MW solutions, capable of maximizing autonomy and interaction capability with existing machinery and ensuring re-use of existing infrastructures.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/314636
Start date: 01-10-2012
End date: 30-09-2015
Total budget - Public funding: 8 533 345,00 Euro - 5 756 149,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The overall scope of the DAPhNE project is to develop and demonstrate a package of integrated solutions for energy intensive processes (ceramics, cement and glass), based on tuning micro-wave technologies to the material characteristics and on intelligent control systems, to provide real time information about the energy consumption as well as the product quality.

Microwave heating is now a well established heating technique for many industrial sectors with low temperature processes (i.e. drying) and low power demand. However, high temperature microwave heating has not been implemented as a full-scale industrial-processing.

The DAPhNE project brings together three manufacturing sectors (ceramic, glass and cement) with common problems in relation to the energy consumption of their firing processes, seeking common solutions via the implementation of high temperature MW technologies based on self-adaptive control and monitoring systems. The multidisciplinary consortium comprises 7 industrial partners together with 1 technological-based company closely collaborating with group of 9 research organizations.

The DAPhNE project brings together the ceramic, glass and cement industries to develop, test and demonstrate a package of modular and re-configurable solutions based on:

· Self-adaptive control of high temperature MW processes as well as

· Active control of production lines that incorporate the above proposed MW solutions, capable of maximizing autonomy and interaction capability with existing machinery and ensuring re-use of existing infrastructures.



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FoF and Made in Europe Partnership

Factories of the Future Partnership - Made in Europe Partnership

FP7 - Factories of the Future
FoF.NMP.2012-1 - Adaptive production systems and measurement and control equipment for optimal energy consumption and near-to-zero emission
Project type - instrument
Large-scale integrating project
Manufacturing performance characteristics
Economic sustainability
Environmental sustainability
Reducing the consumption of energy
Technologies and enablers
Information and communication technologies
Advanced material processing technologies
Integration of non-conventional technologies and conventional technologies
Recycling processes
Innovative physical, chemical and physicochemical processes
Engineering tools
System modelling - digital twins, simulation
Manufacturing future products
Manufacturing the products of the future
Resource efficient, sustainable products