MATFLEX | Material Flexible production, development of physical and virtual test bed

The project aimed to create a sustainable test bed that strengthens Swedish industry by providing facilities and tools to physically and virtually test and evaluate different manufacturing concepts. This has been achieved. Furthermore, cooperation with SMEs has been established for efficient interactions that enable companies and students to actively exploit the test beds even after the project. The project has delivered results in several categories: 1) Direct benefit to the project partner industries through their pilot cases 2) Generic knowledge concerning cooperation with SMEs in different concept phases 3) Strengthened networking within manufacturing As a concrete outcome of the project, four new products were developed, two of which have reached the market. Four small Swedish companies with proprietary products have acted as partners with their own industrial cases in the test bed development and have been interviewed about the collaboration and future needs. Technology transfer has taken place via conferences and exhibitions, where prototypes developed in the partner companies were demonstrated. An important part of the test bed was the network created, and the cross-functional teams of researchers, companies and external experts who worked on the pilot cases. Through international collaboration the test bed has been linked to three EU applications, of which two are approved. A ground for collaboration among the project partners for upcoming European and national projects has been established.
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Start date: 01-10-2013
Total budget - Public funding: 1 000 000,00 Euro
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Project type - instrument
Collaborative project (generic)
Manufacturing performance characteristics
Economic sustainability
Supply chain and value network efficiency
Environmental sustainability
Material efficiency
Waste minimisation
Circular economy
Co-evolution of products-processes-production systems (‘industrial symbiosis’)
Reducing emissions in manufacturing processes
Reducing the consumption of energy
Reducing the consumption of water and other process resources.
Social sustainability
Increasing human achievements in manufacturing systems
Occupational safety and health
Technologies and enablers
Advanced material processing technologies
Flexible Sheet-to-Sheet (S2S) and Roll-to-Roll (R2R)
Methods for handling of parts, metrology and inspection
Integration of non-conventional technologies and conventional technologies
Replication, Equipment for flexible scalable prod/Assembly , Coatings
Recycling processes
Shaping technology for difficult to shape materials
Innovative physical, chemical and physicochemical processes
Additive manufacturing
Advanced materials in manufacturing systems
Smart and functional materials
Engineering tools
System modelling - digital twins, simulation
Manufacturing future products
Manufacturing the products of the future
Customised products
Novel materials
Resource efficient, sustainable products
Business model aspects