QU4LITY mapped on
Added value - impact - value proposition

General desciption of Added value - impact - value proposition:

Added value can be understood as a process of increasing the perceived value of the product in the eyes of the consumers/customers. It is known as the value proposition. (Modified from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Added_value)

The tangible dimension of value refers to physical products.  The intangible dimension of value refer to qualities that can be valuable to the (end) customer, they can be: durability, ethicality, aesthetic appearance, usability or some other personal need or value. Services, by definition, are intangible (non-material)



  • Reference architecture and blueprints: Reference architecture, vocabularies, open data models, standards, best practices, SDOs/SSOs contribution, clustering activities, …
  • Digital enablers and Equipment solutions: digital enablers, ZDM platforms and equipment solutions, patents in autonomous manufacturing asset & control, autonomous digital twin MBSE platforms.
  • A Pan-European innovation ecosystem clustering activities (DMP Cluster, OPEN DEI Cluster, 4ZDM Cluster, Connected Factories) and the Digital Factory Alliance (DFA)