FORSAL | Robotic foundry for the health of workers


The project aims to develop a human-guided and interactive prototype robotic system, capable of carrying out certain types of machining (grinding, deburring, dematerization) characteristics of steel and cast iron castings.

The realization of these products, which are required exceptional quality requirements, still requires expensive processing conducted or manually managed by the operator.

These processes, however, can generate significant problems in terms of ergonomics and especially lack of vibration-acoustic comfort for operators.

The robotic solutions developed in the framework of the FORSAL project will help to significantly limit this type of problem.

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FORSAL_project_futurities2022_2.pdf PDF
FORSAL_project-DT_acustic.pdf PDF
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Start date: 07-11-2017
End date: 06-05-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 2 030 200,00 Euro - 1 007 700,00 Euro
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