SIMPOSIUM | Simulation Platform for Non Destructive Evaluation of Structures and Materials


In all industrial sectors, non-destructive evaluation (NDE) techniques play a critical role for ensuring a structures and reliability, plant safety and increasingly also for ensuring quality and efficiency of products and processes. The emerging use of numerical simulation is a major trend in the field with tremendous potential benefits in terms of cost reduction, enhanced diagnosis reliability and, consequently, increased competitiveness. A strong industrial need exists for efficient NDE simulation tools which SIMPOSIUM aims at fulfilling. The project objective is to provide, in a single software platform, numerical models specifically designed to respond to manufacturers’ applications. The project will address both flaw detection and material characterization methods.

Particular effort will be put into challenging modelling of material features, complex geometries of parts and complex defects. The models will be based on multi-scale and multi-physics approach and capable of exchanging data with CAD design software, mechanical codes, and material models. Emphasis will be put on efficient coupling strategies based on hybrid semi-analytical / numerical approaches. Such strategies will be made possible by the development of software platform tools allowing communication between codes developed by different partners. Particular attention will be paid to the validation of the models codes challenging modelling of material features, complex geometries of parts and defects.

SIMPOSIUM will have a significant impact at the different stages of NDE practice: design and implementation of emerging NDE techniques, reliability assessment, performance demonstration and the training of NDE staff. By reducing the cost linked to inspections, making possible virtual testing at the earliest stages of the part design, SIMPOSIUM will significantly contribute to improve time-to-production, time to market and competitiveness. SIMPOSIUM will confirm the leading position of Europe in the field of NDE simulation.

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Start date: 01-09-2011
End date: 31-08-2014
Total budget - Public funding: 5 991 630,00 Euro - 4 250 554,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

In all industrial sectors, Non Destructive Evaluation techniques play a critical role for ensuring structures reliability, plant safety and increasingly also for ensuring quality and efficiency of products and processes. The emerging use of numerical simulation is a major trend in the field with tremendous potential benefits in terms of costs reduction, enhanced diagnosis reliability and consequently increased competitiveness. Today strong industrial needs exist for efficient NDE simulation tools which SIMPOSIUM aims at fulfilling. The project objective is to provide in a single software platform numerical models specifically designed to respond to manufacturers applications. The project will address both flaw detection and material characterization methods. Particular effort will be put on challenging modelling of material features, complex geometries of parts and complex defects. The models will be i) based on multi-scale and multi-physics approach, ii) capable to exchange data with CAD design software, mechanical codes, material models. Emphasis will be put on efficient coupling strategies based on hybrid semi-analytical / numerical approaches. Such strategies will be made possible by the development of software platform tools allowing communication between codes developed by different partners. Particular attention will be paid to the validation of the models codes challenging modelling of material features, complex geometries of parts and defects. SIMPOSIUM, will have significant impacts at the different stages of NDE practice: Design and implementation of emerging NDE techniques, reliability assessment and performance demonstration, training of NDE staff. By reducing the cost linked to inspections, making possible virtual testing at the earliest stages of the part design, SIMPOSIUM will significantly contribute to improve time-to-production, time-to-market and competitiveness. Last it will confirm the leading position of Europe in the field of NDE simulation.



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FoF and Made in Europe Partnership

Factories of the Future Partnership - Made in Europe Partnership

FP7 - Factories of the Future
FoF-ICT-2011.7.4 - Digital factories: Manufacturing design and product lifecycle management
Project type - instrument
Large-scale integrating project
Manufacturing performance characteristics
Economic sustainability
Comment: NDE has a major impact on the cost of the manufacturing process. For some composite parts, it is assumed that NDE costs may increase up to 30 % of the complete cost of the product. The use of simulation for optimizing and checking the performances of NDE allows to reduce these costs and to improve their performances, thanks to reduced set of experimental (cosly) campaigns and destructive tests.
Technologies and enablers
Information and communication technologies
Engineering tools
System modelling - digital twins, simulation

Simulation of NDE methods including numerical, analytical and hybrid (numerical/analytical) methods based on ultrasonic and electromagnetics physics

Manufacturing future products
Manufacturing the products of the future
Comment: SIMPOSIUM project aims at providing efficent simulation tools to conceive and to predict performances of NDE (Non Destructive Evaluation) techniques based on ultrasonic and electromagnetic methods for quality control (defect detection and material properties) for a wide range of industrial fields (steel, energy, nuclear, aircraft, automotive). NDE therefore plays a crucial role for ensuring the quality of the manufactured product. 11 application cases have been selected , for which simulation skills have been demonstrated and compared to experimental data.
Novel materials
Comment: Some materials to be investigated by the industrial end users include composite and steels for specific applications
Complex structures, geometries and scale
Comment: Complex structures, geometries and scales constitute the main challenge of the SIMPOSIUM project, as simulation codes to be developed/interoperated aim at predicting and conceiving NDe for real complex structures.