(UNPUBLISHED) Optocom | Photon-based production of opto-electrical components


With development of flat panel display, photonics, microfluidics, optoelectronics and optics industry the demand for transparent material processing technologies increases word wide. The processing quality demands are becoming high as well. The material mechanical properties has to be preserved after processing while keeping high surface quality (Ra>2 µm) and minimizing surface chipping (less than 10 µm). Further, the technology has to show high processing speed to be implemented for industrial use. Therefore, the traditional methods for cutting of these materials based on scoring and snapping, water jet cutting or mechanical milling cannot fulfil increasing quality standards.

The objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate innovative transparent material laser processing technology combining precision processing at high throughput for opto-electric component manufacturing. Laser based processing of transparent materials is developed in FTMC Department of laser technologies (DLT). It is a contactless technology providing free form cutting, drilling and milling.  In this project we plan to cover hole opto-electrical component production value chain including laser cutting/milling technology validation with high power industrial laser sources.