Projects overview

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Description The realization of Apps4aME will increase the productivity in all Manufacturing Engineering activities with creating more reliable and efficient manufacturing conditions.
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Supply chain and value network efficiency Manufacturing performance characteristics Economic sustainability Increasing human achievements
 Final Report Summary - APPS4AME (Engineering Apps for advanced Manufacturing Engineering) Result title Final Report Summary - APPS4AME (Engineering Apps for advanced Manufacturing Engineering)
 Delivery Time Estimation App Result description - Motivation / Need: Fast and accurate estimation of manufacturing lead time is challenging, especially for ETO product manufacturing SMEs.
 Domain 5: Human-centric manufacturing Taxon description • How people add value to manufacturing.
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Description and promote e-manufacturing and waste reduction
Organisation Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) - University of Patras - PANEPISTIMIO PATRON
Comments Economic sustainability Manufacturing performance characteristics Supply chain and value network efficiency Manufacturing performance characteristics Economic sustainability Flexibility Manufacturing
 Smart Manufacturing Execution System Result title Smart Manufacturing Execution System
 Advanced STEP-NC programming toolset Result description Solution concept It will showcase new manufacturing concepts and practices enabled by this new data chain as well as adopting the ECN ICAM (Intelligent Computer Aided Manufacturing) methodology developed
 Dashboard and Manufacturing Information Pipeline enabler for EDM Result acronym Dashboard and Manufacturing Information Pipeline enabler for EDM
 Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Taxon title Domain 2: Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems
 Flexibility Taxon description (from
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Description Vincenzo Nicolo adding, “COMET has made clear the aspects of manufacturing with robots. There is a long way to go, but now we know the right direction.
Organisation AMRC Manufacturing Ltd
Comments Manufacturing the products of the future Manufacturing future products Novel materials Manufacturing future products Manufacturing the products of the future Economic sustainability Manufacturing performance
 Final Report Summary - COMET (Plug-and-produce COmponents and METhods for adaptive control of industrial robots enabling cost effective, high precision manufacturing in factories of the future) Result title Final Report Summary - COMET (Plug-and-produce COmponents and METhods for adaptive control of industrial robots enabling cost effective, high precision manufacturing in factories of the future)
 High Dynamic Compensation Mechanism Result description The manufacturing experience is now available at NISAFORM.
 Robot deburring of inconel turbine discs Result acronym COMET - AMRC Manufacturing ltd
 Flexibility Taxon description (from