Cybersecurity_Regulatory_Framework_Germany/EU_USA (GER/ENG/CHN) mapped on
CE Pathway - Maturity Level 5 - Circularity

General desciption of CE Pathway - Maturity Level 5 - Circularity:

Adoption of CE strategies with adequate countermeasures on products, processes, organization and technologies, i.e. sustainability/circularity KPIs are implemented to follow social, environmental and economic impacts at network level. Managerial, Tactical and Operative levels of the entire company are aligned towards this direction with systematic follow-up of transition taking years. Broad understanding of value flows (such as synergies among forward and reverse logistics, local value chains, zero-waste manufacturing) and co-creation of new value circles within manufacturing networks (like flexible remanufacturing networks, upgrading of products) is one of the key managerial practices.

  • ICT is deeply integrated into operations and is highly leveraged. Manufacturing systems proactively prevent excess and reduce rejects and rework through operating on a make-to-order and assemble-to-order basis.
  • Wide and versatile partners of the system share a mutual vision for sustaining full circularity and a clear strategy that is being implemented. Managerial, Tactical and Operative levels of the entire company are aligned towards this direction with systematic and proactive follow-up of transition taking years.