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  • Big data mining and analytics tools I

D5.1 Big data mining and analytics tools I


The manufacturing industry is being disrupted in what it's already known as the 4th industrial revolution or Industry 4.0. This revolution is driven by the need of reduction of the time-to-market (Calantone & Di Benedetto, 2000), increment of complexity, (mass customization) (Davis, 1989) (Piller, Moeslein, & Stotko, 2004), and added value services (mont2002clarifying) around the products -- all together in a competitive globalized world (McKinsey Digital, 2015). To solve these challenges, this revolution is introducing a set of new advanced networking technology, hardware, and more important, intelligent software. To achieve this degree of intelligence, advanced algorithms have been incorporated into the production process to achieve embedded artificial intelligence (AI) within the process. This embedded AI has been constructed from the experiences obtained by the machines and usually designed by data scientists (Pham & Afify, 2005). These techniques can be used in several manufacturing challenges such as predictive maintenance or product defect detection. 

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