Quantitative environmental impact analysis to be integrated in the production control systems.

Quantitative environmental impact analysis to be integrated in the production control systems.
Innovation content of the result Currently, LCA’s environmental impact analysis is conducted exporting the information from tools like SIMAPRO, designed as a collection of databases, instead of using them directly. On the other hand, energy efficiency and emissions reductions are known as main challenges for Europe (Spire, 2020 directive). Our aim is to provide an evaluation tool for emissions savings due to energy efficiency (processes) and the use of the right materials. Integrated with MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), decisions and calculations with these criteria can be done “online”. It can be used to tag products as “environmentally friendly”. Potential customers Industry with large energy consumption: Oil&Gas, Petrochemical, Foundries… Technological readiness by the end of the project 60%. Competitive advantage • Integrated tool to process control systems. • Eco-design module