De- and Re-manufacturing of Li-Ion battery packs in e- mobility


The strategic importance of this demonstrator lies in the automotive LIBs end-of-life treatment by performing the remanufacturing and the re-use of the disassembled cells with proper residual characteristics into second-life stationary applications. The battery cells which are not compatible with second-life applications, are recycled with the aim of recovering high-value materials and allowing those materials’ re-use as secondary raw materials.

More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: - Website Use Cases page
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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes
Demonstrator (project outcome type)
Industrial pilot or use case
MiE KPI section - Impacts
Demonstrator showcasing the realisation of new resilient value chains
Demonstrator showcasing the realisation of new innovative circular value chains
Demonstrator showcasing human and technology complementarity
Demonstrator showcasing digital platforms and engineering tools supporting creativity and productivity of R&D processes
MiE KPI section - Outcomes
Demonstrator showcasing an increased uptake of green manufacturing
Demonstrator showcasing the uptake of de-manufacturing, re-manufacturing and recycling technologies for more efficient manufacturing
Demonstrator showcasing virtual end-to-end life-cycle engineering and manufacturing
Demonstrator targeting supply chain innovations
Demonstrator showcasing reduction of supply chain response-time
Demonstrator addressing smart product's and complex products’ production
Demonstrator showcasing artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics tools’ uptake
NACE code
C27 Manufacture of electrical equipment
C27.2 Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
C27.20 Manufacture of batteries and accumulators

The strategic importance of this demonstrator lies in the automotive LIBs end-of-life treatment by performing the remanufacturing and the re-use of the disassembled cells with proper residual characteristics into second-life stationary applications.