Report on community building and innovation transfer events and cluster activities

"In this task the activities concerning participation in clustering events and an inter-project exchange will be coordinated. The objective of this task is to establish a community that supports the innovation transfer and business and social aspects evaluation, and enable further dissemination and exploitation of project results. The members of the consortium will liaise with related EU projects, in order to ensure a higher scientific and technological impact of the project findings and solutions, as well as to foster exploration of possible synergies and complementarities. Particularly, it will be established channels of dissemination and knowledge exchange with past and on-going projects, being present with its results and focused demonstrations in the workshops organized by related EU projects. Note that the project partners have great presence in the FoF program, due to their participation in several and heterogeneous FP6 - FP7 projects. The implementation of clustering and networks of interest, e.g., exploring industrial and social networks such as LinkedIn and ResearchGate, is one way to achieve this objective. Especially synchronization with activities inside the EFRA-organization, the German Industry 4.0, will be actively promoted by consortium partners, who are also members of the so called HORIZON2020 FoF and of the Industry 4.0 platforms. One particular aspect that will be developed in the framework of this task takes advantage of the HSEL´s, UNINOVA’s, IPB´s and POLIMI´s current effort in disseminating research project results among industry, academy and the society in general. The project will organize specific events in Europe, but also world-wide like in Middle East and North Africa (MENA), South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Synergies to international recognized bodies like the IEEE IES Industry Forum, Industrie4.0 platform, IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems and Technical Committee on Industrial Agents will be built, targeting multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural audiences to disseminate project results and helping creating a bigger and stronger PERFoRM-community as well as helping the transfer of innovation and of course re-enforcing the project scientific, technical and societal impacts. The experience of ""European Project Leaders"" framework which was developed to disseminate previous European RTD projects (by consortium partners in FP7) will be employed to take the advantage of synergistic cooperation. The first objective is to target appropriate audiences to assure related RTD projects partners could present their knowledge and experiences in a more efficient and effective way. The target of the community will be international academic institutions, industrial partners and governance bodies to be involved in a wide range and guarantee short and long term collaborations. This could help for a balanced development of the innovative results from projects, thanks to international support. The community will present results with the brand and identity of European project leaders which can help to facilitate the industrial and academic engagement with other continents. The outcome will help European partners to be active players in the international industrial movement in future. "
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