Guidelines for seamless integration of Humans as flexibility driver in flexible production systems, 2nd iteration

The task will analyse the impact and influence of the human integration as a flexibility driver in the production systems. This will require the identification of the requirements for different needs and roles of human actors in the production system. In that regard, different production and assembly set-ups ranging from manual, partly automated to fully automated production scenarios will be analysed taking into account different working situations. In fact, the potential role of Human worker as flexibility driver will be studied in relationship with ergonomic, cognitive and decision making characteristics of the task as well as the type of interaction and understanding of the technological framework (including novel self-adjusting and self-controlling CP systems, visibility on the new sensing-decision-reaction loops) enacted in the factory. The analysis will leverage existing methods for manufacturing process modelling, job descriptions, working instruction standards, complemented by collecting personal recommendations and viewpoints with interviews on the shop-floor. The results from this task will further act as a basis for T.3.3 and T4.3, where human observations and monitoring and visualization of KPIs will be elicited. Results will be eventually validated in WPs 7, 8, 9 and 10.
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