Decision rules and KPI and Functionality Visualizations

The main objective of this task is the development of tools for visualization and monitoring of the existing production system status in context sensitive ways adapting results from the IDEAS, ReBORN and SelSus project e.g. to cope with the requirements of a flexible production system (e.g. Plug & Produce system) and dynamic scheduling aspects which add further complexity that needs to be made transparent for production engineers to trust and use this kind of system. Therefore measured data, captured by field devices in different types of entities within the real and the simulated production system, has to be processed to enable immediate assessments regarding the KPIs defined in WP1. The information will be provided in a context sensitive way, e.g. users get an individual visualization as well as specific monitoring and analysis instruments with regard to their functions and tasks related to the production system. This includes for example monitoring of aggregated production key figures for strategic decisions on management level and visualization of detailed machine parameters (e.g. utilization), consumption data (e.g. energy demand) and process parameters (e.g. lead times) enabling rapid intervention at shop floor level. Hence the users will be able to make beneficial decisions regarding KPIs, to identify improvement potentials and to react properly to changes or disruptions within the production system. In addition, resilient decision rules for an optimal operation of the production system in general and the use cases from WP 7-10 in particular. Through coupling with the simulation developed in T.4.1, the tools can also be used for education and training purposes as well as TPM operators.
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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes