LCA Technical Report and Sustainability Product Declaration

The full LCA technical report will be developed according to D.7.4 guidelines; it will be organised to be ready for a possible third party verification to address the sustainability product declaration issue. The report will provide all details concerning goal and scope definition, with specific regard to the considered functional unit (e.g. mechanical performance requirements that will be defined) and system boundaries of the considered technology, then taking into account main aspects as, for instance, tape systems, polymers, fibres, liner materials, laser and optical devices, other machines (e.g. winding machines). Inclusions and exclusions respect to the system boundaries will be justified. Testing phases may also be considered if affecting the whole environmental performance. Data quality requirements and comparison criteria of the Life Cycle Inventory phase will be discussed as well, with a focus on collected primary data and their representativeness for the considered system. The Life Cycle Impact Assessment and the Interpretation phases will finally provide a transparent dissertation about environmental indicators both in terms of results discussion and their methodological background. The step forward for the Sustainability Product Declaration will be designed according to ISO 14025, merging environmental, social and economic aspects of the project to provide a comprehensive picture of the technology for dissemination purposes. Specific indicators will be defined and properly described for most relevant aspects, to provide a clear description of sustainability performance. This deliverable is linked to task 7.5.
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