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  • Clustering activities with the Circular TwAIn and AIDEAS sister research projects

Clustering activities with the Circular TwAIn and AIDEAS sister research projects


s-X-AIPI joined two other research projects, namely Circular TwAIn and AIDEAS to form a cluster of EU funded projects. All of them share a common research focus: the use of artificial intelligence (AI) as a transformational tool to support circular production in the manufacturing and process industries.

The discussions began in June 2023 and continued with online meetings at which representatives from the three projects agreed to cooperate on the dissemination and communication aspects of their projects. This resulted in the organization of a dedicated session for the cluster in the framework of the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) 2023. The participating projects meet each other online every two months to coordinate and elaborate on further common strategic dissemination and communications actions.

More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://s-x-aipi-project.eu/synergies - Dedicated section on the s-X-AIPI website
https://s-x-aipi-project.eu/news/lgylv6spieaevflaedxp9112ak8nn4 - A new synergy of EU-funded projects on the horizon
https://mailchi.mp/7ca58b4f12fd/s-x-aipi-4th-newsletter-9136606 - s-X-AIPI newsletter including an article that announces the creation of the cluster
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7089972870658875392 - social media post announcing the creation of the cluster
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