UC 1.2: DTs assisted assembly, remote operation & servicing for woodworking machinery


Key Challenge
Design and implementation of open standards-based DT and AR solutions, dealing with hybrid sources of data models, remote operation.

UC 1.2 will use a blueprint for data sharing that relies on open standards-based DTs. UC 1.2 will demonstrate the STEP (ISO 10303) technology and its specifications in an operational DT environment, facilitating data exchange for products and business processes commonly used by many industrial actors. Both Cloud and Edge-based data providers are used. In addition, UC 1.2 will demonstrate via trials how AR software/tools can be used for machine service operations and assembly processes.

Expected Benefits

Recommendations for DT use in small-scale industry (of SMEs).

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes
Demonstrator (project outcome type)
Industrial pilot or use case
Standards, technical committees and working groups