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  • Human-AI Collaboration: A tool to enable AI model generation with human-in-the-loop

Human-AI Collaboration: A tool to enable AI model generation with human-in-the-loop


Chala, S. (2024). Human-AI Collaboration: A tool to enable AI model generation with human-in-the-loop. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11001355

Human-AI collaboration enables domain experts to contribute their expertise with the goal of enhancing the knowledge learned by the AI models from the patterns in the data. This enables the integration of domain-specific knowledge to enrich the data for further improvement of the models through retraining. The human-AI collaboration is composed of multiple sub-components and interfaces that enables communication with external systems such as data sources, model repositories, machine configurations and decision support systems.

Human-AI Collaboration component is developed using Python programming language. The frontend is developed using Streamlit1. The backend is developed using python and the API is implemented using FastAPI2. The choice of the programming language was made because of its wide usage and vast user base. The frameworks Streamlit and FastAPI are chosen because of the rich features for functionality and documentation as well as suitability for data analysis tasks. The applications are packaged as docker images for deployment. The application runs as a web application served by nginx for reverseproxying and users can access it via client applications such as web browsers or REST clients like Postman.

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