Simulation for Human Robot Cooperation

Simulation for Human Robot Cooperation
Utilization of simulation for designing and initial validation of the working place for human robot cooperation. The simulation tool provided by Visual Components has been extended during LIAA project introducing new components targeting human-robot cooperation. In addition new add ons have been developed to exchange information with other tools of the LIAA framework such as the communication add ons and the exporter add on to provide the layouts to the VR/AR tools. The components have been developed as extension to the works library and includes automatic tasks creation for the human activities and robot tasks. The human model has been redesigned to provide more realistic simulation and enhanced cooperation with robot systems. The new human model incorporates performance measure, integrates predefined tasks for human robot cooperation, new navigation with new logic and allows to load preexisting MTM data. New simulation component that generates auxiliary volumes around the selected equipment and swept volume generation has been developed. These auxiliary volumes determine the working areas where the mobile equipment, robots and mobile equipment, can be during the working tasks and allows to identify the security working areas for the human. For identifying the best possible configurations according to performance, specific component has been developed that provides the outcome of the overall configuration as well as selected equipment. Location and orientation of the components in the simulation layout can be exchanged from other tools of the LIAA framework as well as the working tasks of the simulation resources.
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NACE code
C25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
C28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.