• Results
  • ROI Estimation (for use case 1, 2 and 3)

D3.2 – ROI Estimation (for use case 1, 2 and 3)

D3.2 – ROI Estimation (for use case 1, 2 and 3)

In this deliverable the return on investment (ROI) of the three of heat pipes based heat exchangers (HPHE) designs that will be installed in three demonstration sites is presented . Each HPHE is specified in base of the available and required energy for each of the three use cases:

  • Use Case 1 (UC1): representative of non-ferrous sector,

  • Use Case 2 (UC2): representative of steel sector and

  • Use Case 3 (UC3): representative of ceramic sector.

    This report describes how the ROI was estimated taking into account the primary energy saving cost and the carbon reduction savings.

    The estimated ROI of the intial designs of the designed HPHEs varied between 7 months to 19 months among the the three demo cases.

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