• Results
  • Project Website and Social Media Channels

D6.2 – Project Website and Social Media Channels

D6.2 – Project Website and Social Media Channels

The present deliverable is “Other” in nature, i.e. it is not a report. For convenience, we
provide a short report below about the structure and the features of the ETEKINA website
and the ETEKINA social media channels on LinkedIn and Twitter.

The ETEKINA website is set up along the details of Subtasks 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 described in
work plan table of Annex 1 “Description of the Action” of the Grant Agreement and the
rules governing in the Consortium Agreement signed by the partners.

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D6.2_ETEKINA_Project Website and Social Media Channels.pdf PDF
More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://www.etekina.eu/