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  • CIF_Cybersecurity_Act_Michiel Fierens_2020

CIF Seminar - "Cybersecurity Act"

CIF Seminar - "Cybersecurity Act"

CIF Seminar - "Cybersecurity Act" (Michiel Fierens)

The aim of this presentation is to provide some basic inputs about the most recent legislation on cybersecurity issued by the EU. More specifically, the first part of the presentation will give an overview of the policy landscape that led the law-maker to legislate back in 2015-2016. Having set up the basis (inter alia, touching upon some fundamentals of EU law), we will go through the main parts of the NIS Directive, what obligations the law entails on Member States and economic actors (including on incident reporting), and what lessons we can learn from it. The second part of the presentation will brief on the newly introduced Cybersecurity Act, which regulates on the role of ENISA and a pan-European cybersecurity certification scheme. Finally, we will provide a small overview on how a future EU certification scheme could look like on the basis of the recent ENISA-report.
