DIN SPEC 91406:2019-12 - Automatic identification of physical objects and information on physical objects in IT systems, particularly IoT systems


Publisher: DIN

License: DIN

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Technologies and enablers
Information and communication technologies
IoT - Internet of Things
DIN SPEC 91406:2019-12 - Automatic identification of physical objects and information on physical objects in IT systems, particularly IoT systems
ICT performance characteristics
Interoperability (ICT)
Industrial Reference ICT Architectures
Reference Architectural Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)
RAMI 4.0 Vertical Axis and associated standards
Information Layer (RAMI 4.0)
DIN SPEC 91406:2019-12 - Automatic identification of physical objects and information on physical objects in IT systems, particularly IoT systems
Standards, technical committees and working groups
Standards according to SDOs
DIN SPEC 91406:2019-12 - Automatic identification of physical objects and information on physical objects in IT systems, particularly IoT systems