ISO/IEC 30163 - Internet of Things (IoT) -System requirements of IoT/SN technology-based integrated platform for chattel asset monitoring supporting financial services


Publisher: ISO/IEC

License: ISO/IEC

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Information and communication technologies
IoT - Internet of Things
ISO/IEC 30163 - Internet of Things (IoT) -System requirements of IoT/SN technology-based integrated platform for chattel asset monitoring supporting financial services
Interoperability (ICT)
Industrial Reference ICT Architectures
Reference Architectural Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)
RAMI 4.0 Vertical Axis and associated standards
Communication Layer (RAMI 4.0)
ISO/IEC 30163 - Internet of Things (IoT) -System requirements of IoT/SN technology-based integrated platform for chattel asset monitoring supporting financial services
Standards according to SDOs
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 Internet of Things and related technologies
ISO/IEC 30163 - Internet of Things (IoT) -System requirements of IoT/SN technology-based integrated platform for chattel asset monitoring supporting financial services
Standard types
Interface standards
ISO/IEC 30163 - Internet of Things (IoT) -System requirements of IoT/SN technology-based integrated platform for chattel asset monitoring supporting financial services