Roadmap for the project results’ uptake

The innovation department of Confindustria will carry out research to lay out a roadmap enabling the adoption and takeup of the innovation, among several industrial sectors, most of which are concretely represented by well-structured business in Region Lombardy and in the other regions participating in the project. The study at the core of roadmapping activities will entail two phases: i. desk research based on technology brokerage systems available at Confindustria, to characterise demand for zero-defect production globally matching; ii. organisation of three thematic workshops to foster discussion on the project results and enable face-to-face interviews and meetings with about 20 companies from the consortium regions, in order to better identify specific needs and concrete prospects for products development that might build on project’s results. Each workshop will focus on the theme of industrial sectors represented in WP6 through the use cases carried out at project partners’ premises, and will build on the outcomes of such demonstrations, and in particular: i) Work-shop 1 will focus on electronics and robotics; ii) Workshop 2 will focus on rubber, plastics, thermoplastics, rotomoulding, etc; iii) Workshop 3 on metals, together with shaving processing, mechanical processes and metal treatment.
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