Optimised microstructure for LPBF and EBM processes

T42 Tailoring of the material microstructure for process of interest POLITO CHALM FAU EOST421 Tailoring of the material microstructure for EBM process FAUT421 aims on tailoring the microstructure and thereby the properties of the materials of interest by applyingparticular process strategies FAU expects that the high power in combination with the high flexibility of the newelectron gun can be used to influence and tailor the solidification conditions over a wide range Thus FAU willinvestigate the possibility to realize different microstructures for the materials of interest This comprises the grainstructure eg fine columnar coarse columnar or equiaxed and the fineness of the microstructureT422 Tailoring of the material microstructure for LPBF process CHALM POLITOThe focus of this activity is placed on design and optimisation of the LPBF process in dependence on thematerial composition and components design and requirements Focus will be placed on optimisation of themicrostructure with focus on the specific design features as eg thin structures as rods thin walls design featureswith different angle to the build directionrecoater and their respective mechanical performance Development ofthe process parameters to assure required microstructure and hence properties of such design features will beperformed
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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes