MANUELA's dashboard

T35 Implementation per technology CSEM MSC IVF USE CASEST35 will implement the previous tasks ie the chosen design optimization T31 as part of the Simulation toolT32 together with the manufacturing feedback T33 both accessible from the GUI T34 and will deploy theoverall solution on each system connected to the pilotline Offering the simulation and manufacturing GUI aspart of the MANUELA dashboard demonstrator this will enable Technology selection LPBF or EBM process parameter optimization through simulation andmanufacturing feedback Postprocessing selection IVF and optimization process parameter optimization through simulation andmanufacturing feedback starting from cutting platesupport and HIP whenever applicable to machiningor surface treatmentsCSEM supervises the implementation of the simulation tool and its GUI for both processes LPBF and EBM andwill provide the required links within the MANUELA Dashboard to interface with the GUI provided by MSCThe implementation of the process and postprocessing decision tree T31 and its outputs will be done by CSEMUnderstanding that part of the software implementation might be driven by users preferred choice and thatmanufacturing technology means has to take specific USE CASE requirement MSC will implement the GUIwithin an agnostic platformThe implementation will be validated through designing and reference samples manufacturing specified in WP1CSEM will provide the link between the use cases and the Multi Physics Simulation and design tool assisting theusers in the validation of their use cases per chosen technology LPBF or EBMMSC will support this task with handson training on the dashboard steering the digital twin in order to educateend users and capitalize upon testers feedback in order to fine tune software platform and ensure finalvalidationacceptance of the proposed solution
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