Development and calibration of the on-line process monitoring for material of interest (2)

T432 Development and calibration of the online process monitoring for material of interest for LPBF process CHALM POLITO EOS CHALM will adopt five online process monitoring systems allowing to perform online monitoring of number of key aspect during the whole build process continuous monitoring of the key process properties as laser power and scanner temperature build platform and process chamber cooling systems electronic gas circulation systems etc powder bed monitoring monitoring of the powder recoating with the integrated cameraprocess atmosphere control based on continuous analysis of the oxygen concentration close to the powderbed with sensitivity around 10 ppm and automatic initiation of the additional purging with the processgas to assure process gas purity monitoring of the energy application in the melt pool also called optical tomography based onutilization of the sCMOS camera that allows to detect overall fusion and cooling behaviour realtime melt pool monitoring based on measurement of the light emissions from the melt pool Possibility to display data in 2D and 3D makes it possible to detect any abnormalities and hence draw conclusion regarding the quality of the final componentSystems will need to be developed for the specific materials and in some cases design of interest and will be validated utilizing extensive materials characterisation
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